manah—mind Bg 1.30, Bg 2.67, Bg 5.19, Bg 5.27-28, Bg 6.11-12, Bg 6.13-14, Bg 6.25, Bg 6.34, Bg 6.35, Bg 7.4 (and more...)
manah—of the mind SB 1.6.18, SB 2.1.22, SB 3.28.26, SB 4.7.35, SB 4.29.23-25, SB 4.30.22, SB 5.24.10, SB 7.3.28, SB 7.3.29, SB 10.2.36 (and more...)
manah—the mind. Bg 2.60, SB 3.20.35, SB 3.28.18, SB 7.12.7, SB 9.9.42, SB 9.10.55
manah—his mind SB 3.12.28, SB 6.18.27-28, SB 7.9.10, SB 9.4.18-20
manah—in the mind SB 3.28.22, SB 4.29.65, SB 10.2.16
manah—my mind SB 6.2.38, SB 6.11.24, SB 6.11.26
manah—mind. SB 3.13.22, SB 4.26.12
manah—anger Madhya 8.111, Madhya 14.163
manah—with mind SB 1.9.43
manah—attention. SB 2.9.7
manah—heart SB 3.21.10
manah—minds, hearts SB 3.28.16
manah—the minds. SB 4.6.30
manah—her mind SB 4.28.50
manah—the mind in such a situation SB 5.8.29
manah—with the mind SB 6.1.7
manah—their minds SB 6.10.29
manah—and the mind SB 7.2.46
manah—that mind SB 7.13.43
manah—in terms of the mind SB 7.15.8
manah—by the mind SB 7.15.64
manah—of the strength of enthusiasm SB 8.2.30
manah—how the mind is working SB 8.5.27
manah—and of the mind SB 8.9.5
manah—by the acts of the mind SB 8.9.29
manah—the mind (full of material desires for eating, sleeping, mating and defending) SB 9.7.25-26
manah—like the mind SB 9.15.31
manah—complete attention SB 9.19.27-28
manah—the subject matter of thought for the mind SB 10.1.4
manah—by mind SB 10.8.41
manah—by meditation. SB 10.9.9
manah—in the mind SB 4.1.23
manah—the King, whose mind SB 4.9.42-43
manah—her mind SB 5.2.18
manah—worthy of being worshiped SB 1.16.26-30
manah—pride SB 3.19.12
manah—honor SB 3.22.13
manah—material prosperity SB 4.9.35
manah—adoration SB 4.12.47
manah—false prestige SB 7.15.43-44
manah—anguished SB 3.2.14
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: manah
maha-manah—the great soul SB 2.4.3-4, SB 5.1.29
manah ca—as well as the mind Adi 5.83, Madhya 20.267
manah-bale—by the strength of the mind. Adi 13.102, Adi 13.103
manah-gatih—the movement of the mind Adi 4.205, Madhya 19.171
manah-ratha—desires Madhya 1.206, Madhya 8.73
manah-rathah—his desire SB 3.21.12, SB 4.9.44
abhinivesita-manah—his mind was absorbed SB 5.8.27
alabdha-manah—without respect SB 1.14.39
anudvigna-manah—without being agitated in mind Bg 2.56
anutapya-manah—repenting SB 5.8.28
arpita-manah—his mind being fixed SB 3.28.33
asajja manah—without being much attracted SB 3.15.27
atipriti-manah—very much pleased SB 9.3.19
autthanika-autsukya-manah—mother Yasoda was very busy celebrating the utthana ceremony of her child SB 10.7.6
avikhandita-manah—undisturbed in mind SB 5.5.30
aviklava-manah—without mental duplicity SB 8.22.23
bhuta-indriya-manah-mayaih—consisting of body, senses and mind SB 3.27.13
buddhih manah—the intelligence and mind SB 8.3.22-24
sankita-manah—doubtful in mind SB 2.7.30
cira-utkantha-manah—being very anxious for a long time SB 4.3.10
eka-agra-manah—with full attention SB 4.29.82
eka-manah—with great attention SB 6.8.3
gantu-manah—thinking of going Madhya 3.1
gopi-manah-rathe—on the chariot of the minds of the gopis Madhya 21.107
iddha-manah-gatih—the course of his mind being enlightened SB 6.16.29
jagat-manah-mohana—of Krsna, who attracts the mind of the whole universe Madhya 17.212
jagat-manah—the minds of the whole world Antya 1.177
karsita-manah—whose mind is attracted SB 5.14.18
ku-manah—a person interested in activities of material sense enjoyment Adi 15.1
kaya-manah-vakye—by His body, mind and words Adi 6.92
kaya-manah-vakye—with heart and soul Adi 8.62
kaya-manah-vakye—with My body, mind and words Madhya 12.50
kaya-manah-vakye—with body, mind and words Antya 6.173
maha-manah—the magnanimous SB 1.11.16-17
maha-manah—one who has a broader outlook. SB 1.16.13-15
maha-manah—highly pleased in mind. SB 3.14.51
maha-manah—proud SB 3.18.1
maha-manah—advanced in consciousness SB 4.27.4
maha-manah—the beneficent King Citraketu. SB 6.14.35
maha-manah—jubilant SB 6.18.55
maha-manah—highly thoughtful SB 7.4.9-12
maha-manah—the great-minded. SB 8.15.36
maha-manah—the great devotee SB 8.22.15
maha-manah—who was great minded SB 10.5.1-2
maha-manah—who among the cowherd men was the greatest of all upright persons SB 10.5.15-16
man-manah—thinking of Me Bg 18.65
manah ca—and the mind SB 2.1.34
manah cakre—thought SB 8.12.24
manah dadhe—made up His mind. SB 10.12.25
manah harantim—everyone�s attention was attracted (by her) SB 10.6.5-6
manah-agrayanam—more quick than the mind, inconceivable to mental speculation SB 8.5.26
manah-alibhih—by the bees of the mind SB 4.4.15
manah-bale—by the strength of mind Adi 13.100
manah-bhava—by emotion SB 3.23.11
manah-bhava—the mental situation Madhya 8.194
manah-bhavah—cupid SB 4.25.30
manah-bhrnga-gana—the bumblebees of your minds. Madhya 25.273
manah-buddhi—mind and intelligence Antya 20.93
manah-buddhih—mind and intelligence Madhya 23.106-107
manah-sarira-dhi—who consider the body or mind to be the self SB 9.8.21
manah-sarira-jah—born either of your body or of your mind (all the demons and demigods) SB 8.16.14
manah-dharma—speculative mental creations Antya 4.176
manah-duhkha—mentally very much aggrieved Adi 17.62
manah-duhkha—distress in the mind Antya 12.38
manah-dvaraih—by the senses SB 6.4.41
manah-drsam—to the mind and the eye SB 4.7.32
manah-gatam—simply by thinking of the Lord SB 4.8.59-60
manah-gatam—within your mind SB 4.12.7
manah-gatih—the heart�s course SB 3.29.11-12
manah-gatan—of mental concoction Bg 2.55
manah-gocara nahe—it is not possible to conceive Antya 3.88
manah-hamsa—my mind, which is like a swan Madhya 25.271
manah-haram—beautiful SB 4.24.23
manah-harah—attractive to the mind. SB 1.10.20
manah-hara—very beautiful. Adi 15.4
manah-haram—which are so beautiful Adi 14.5
manah-harah—attractive SB 1.5.26
manah-harah—bewildering the minds. SB 4.10.18-19
manah-java—traveling at the speed of mind SB 5.5.35
manah-javah—in mental ecstasy SB 8.21.8
manah-javaya—as speedy as the mind SB 9.5.6
manah-jnam—attractive SB 1.19.28
manah-jnani—very attractive to the mind SB 10.7.1-2
manah-kari-indrasya—of the elephant-like mind Antya 1.191
manah-katha—the intentions Madhya 3.66
manah-katha—words in his mind Madhya 16.234
manah-katha—decisions Antya 4.216
manah-katha—intention Antya 16.72
manah-ksobha—agitation of the mind Madhya 21.132
manah-kama—the desires of the mind. Antya 11.90
manah-maha-utsavah—a sense of joyful ceremony within the mind SB 1.11.31
manah-malah—mental speculation or the dirt accumulated in the mind SB-4.21.32
manah-malau—the mind became clean, free from material contamination SB 10.3.34-35
manah-mayam—the mental plane SB 2.2.30
manah-mayam—creator of the mind SB 3.1.34
manah-mayam—consisting of the mind. SB 3.26.25
manah-mayam—formed in the mind SB 3.28.30
manah-mayam—which is nothing but a mental creation depending chiefly on the mind SB 8.5.28
manah-mayah—hovering on the mental plane SB 3.5.29
manah-mayah—the predominating deity of the mind SB 5.22.10
manah-mayi—thinking of Him even by force SB 10.12.39
manah-sasthaih—by the mind and five knowledge-acquiring senses SB 9.18.51
manah-nayana—mind and eyes Madhya 6.145-146
manah-nayana—to the mind and eyes Antya 17.51
manah-nayana-amrtam—nectar for the mind and eyes Madhya 2.74
manah-nayana-vardhanam—very pleasing to the eyes and the mind. SB 4.8.49
manah-nayana-anandana—pleasing to the mind and eyes SB 5.3.2
manah-netra-utsava—festival of the mind and eyes Madhya 2.75
manah-pida—distress in the mind Antya 20.51
manah-prasadah—satisfaction of the mind Bg 17.16
manah-pritim—satisfaction of the mind SB 9.19.13
manah-ranjanakaih—very pleasing to the mind SB 4.16.15
manah-ramaih—pleasing to her mind SB 6.1.64
manah-rame—most beautiful Madhya 9.32
manah-ratha—by desires, which are like mental chariots SB 5.8.26
manah-ratha-lata—the creeper of growing love Antya 1.151
manah-rathah—desirous. SB 4.8.12
manah-rathah—his mental aspiration SB 5.1.22
manah-rathah—created to be traversed by the chariot of the mind. SB 9.18.49
manah-rathena—by the mind SB 5.6.15
manah-rathena—concoction Adi 8.58
manah-rathena—by mental concoction Madhya 22.76
manah-samsparsa-jan—produced from demands for sense gratification SB 7.13.27
manah-samrddhayah—considering themselves very rich. SB 4.9.36
manah-sukham—temporary happiness created by the mind SB 9.18.51
manah-tapa—burning of the mind Antya 15.13
manah-unnayanau—very agitating to the mind SB 5.2.12
manah-vacasa—by mind and words SB 7.9.48
manah-vacobhih—by dint of mental speculation or deliverance of speeches SB 1.3.37
manah-vaksa—the minds and breasts Antya 15.74
manah-vege—at the speed of mind Antya 18.34
manah-virya—by mental and bodily strength SB 3.17.22
manah-vrtti—mental functions Adi 6.58-59
manah-vyasangam—opposing attachments Adi 1.59
manah-vak—by her mind and words SB 9.18.47
manah-vakye—by mind or by words Madhya 22.120
manya-manah—thinking SB 9.14.42
mat-manah-gatam—the intention of My mind Adi 4.213
mat-manah—always thinking of Me Bg 9.34
mat-manah—whose mind is always on Me Madhya 22.57-58
nirvinna-manah—being indifferent in mind SB 4.13.47
prita-manah—be pleased in mind Bg 11.49
prita-manah—pleased in His mind SB 1.10.2
prita-manah—being very much pleased SB 2.9.19
prita-manah—being very pleased SB 4.17.8
putra-sneha-anubaddha-manah—who was obliged by affection for his son SB 5.9.4
samahita-manah—being fully in trance upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 8.17.23
samahita-manah—with great attention SB 9.8.20
stuya-manah—being glorified SB 3.11.32
su-manah—the flower of the name sumanas Adi 15.1
tat-manah—being too afflicted SB 4.9.23
tusta-manah—fully satisfied SB 1.6.26
tusta-manah—being very satisfied (with Vasudeva�s behavior in delivering the first child to keep his promise) SB 10.1.59
udvigna-manah—disturbed in mind SB 1.7.18
udvigna-manah—his mind full of anxiety SB 5.8.15
vismita-manah—being struck with wonder SB 7.1.14-15
vak-manah-gamya—within the reach of words and mind Madhya 21.26
asamsa-manah—in doubtful mind SB 1.13.33
akrsta-manah—whose minds are attracted SB 5.17.13
amara manah-vancha—the desire of My mind Madhya 13.131
asakta-manah—mind attached Bg 7.1