bubhuje ca sriyam svrddham
krta-krtyam ivatmanam
manyamano mahamanah
bubhujeenjoyed; caalso; sriyamopulence; su-rddhamprosperity; dvijaof the brahmanas; devaas good as the demigods; upalambhitamachieved because of the favor; krta-krtyamvery satisfied by his activities; ivalike that; atmanamhimself; manyamanahthinking; maha-manahthe great-minded.
Because of the favor of the brahmanas, the great soul Bali Maharaja, thinking himself very satisfied, became very opulent and prosperous and began to enjoy the kingdom.
The brahmanas are called dvija-deva, and ksatriyas are generally called nara-deva. The word deva actually refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The brahmanas guide human society in becoming happy by satisfying Lord Visnu, and according to their advice, the ksatriyas, who are called nara-deva, keep law and order so that other people, namely the vaisyas and sudras, may properly follow regulative principles. In this way, people are gradually elevated to Krsna consciousness.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled Bali Maharaja Conquers the Heavenly Planets.
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