TEXT 212
sri-radhikayah priyata surupata
susilata nartana-gana-caturi
gunali-sampat kavita ca rajate
sri-radhikayahof Srimati Radharani; priyataaffection; su-rupataexquisite beauty; su-silatagood behavior; nartana-ganain chanting and dancing; caturiartistry; guna-ali-sampatpossession of such transcendental qualities; kavitapoetry; caalso; rajateshine; jagat-manah-mohanaof Krsna, who attracts the mind of the whole universe; citta-mohinithe attractor of the mind.
The female parrot said: "Srimati Radharani's affection, Her exquisite beauty and good behavior, Her artistic dancing and chanting and Her poetic compositions are all so attractive that they attract the mind of Krsna, who attracts the mind of everyone in the universe."
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