kiba ei saksat kama, dyuti-bimba murtiman,
ki madhurya svayam murtimanta
kiba mano-netrotsava, kiba prana-vallabha,
satya krsna aila netrananda
kibawhether; eithis; saksatdirectly; kamaCupid; dyuti-bimbareflection of the effulgence; murtimanpersonified; kiwhether; madhuryasweetness; svayampersonally; murtimantapersonified; kibawhether; manah-netra-utsavafestival of the mind and eyes; kibawhether; prana-vallabhaMy life and soul; satyatruly; krsnaLord Krsna; ailahas come; netra-anandathe pleasure of My eyes.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then would begin to talk like this: "Is Cupid personified present with the effulgence and reflection of the kadamba tree? Is He the same person, personified sweetness, who is the pleasure of My eyes and mind, who is My life and soul? Has Krsna actually come before My eyes ?"

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