You have said rightly when you write that the devotees are working to please me by distributing my books. My mission on behalf of my guru maharaj and Lord Caitanya, to spread Krsna Consciousness would never have been so successful if it had not been taken up by enthusiastic boys and girls such as in San Francisco, especially through distribution of books.   (More...)
Your report of the book distribution there is very encouraging. Make program to distribute our books all over the world. Our books are being appreciated by learned circles, so we should take advantage. Whatever progress we have made, it is simply to distributing these books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for a moment from this. I have full confidence in you.   (More...)
I have not received the new books. I have learned about them from Puranjana, but I have not received them. Maybe they are held up due to a postal delay in Calcutta, but anyway I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter post dated October 11, 1974 and have noted the contents. This book selling is the real preaching of our cult. Especially when you sell Caitanya Caritamrta and Srimad-Bhagavatam. They will understand what we mean by reading these books.   (More...)
So organize this propaganda work very carefully and our movement will be very much successful by introducing literature from village to village. Lord Caitanya wants this, so carry out His order.   (More...)
Yes, as you have said in your reply they must see what kind of life our men are living. Our books are better than the nonsense books. You have written them to the point. And, even if there is some complaint, they are getting the real thing from our books. they are forgetting the aim of life. Somehow or other, we have to give them the real thing. Why this one man should be envious? In the history of the world, especially the Western countries, there is no record of selling religious books so many daily. It is unique in the history. Our men are doing good, that they do not see. They are so blind. But, the end justifies the means. We have to give them even if they do not want it. That is our duty.   (More...)
Your sankirtana reports are very encouraging, especially that one girl, Gauri dasi, who has set an all ISKCON women's record of 108 big books. This is very wonderful. Formerly this would have been considered impossible, but now by Krsna's grace everything is becoming possible. Encourage them all to increase more and more. Now Tripurari Prabhu is there and he can train the others. This book distribution is the essence of our mission.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 27, 1974 with enclosed Spanish BTG and have noted the contents very carefully and looked through the new Spanish BTG. This new BTG is done very nicely. The printing is very beautiful and I thank you very much for doing such a nice job. I am very glad to hear you have printed 100,000 copies of this magazine. Now give them to everyone. Also I am very happy to hear the other books will be coming out very soon. If you can finish Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Spanish and show me at the Mayapur festival that will be very sublime. Please print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krsna Conscious philosophy in so many different languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world, especially there in the western countries and we can literally turn whole nations into Krsna Conscious nations. Thank you for representing me there in LSS by stressing the importance of attendance to the morning and evening programs and following all of the spiritual practices. This is wanted. Without these things there is no devotional life. And by your example many others will also become strong.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your telegram dated Dec. 17, 1974 reading as follows; "Great success, book sales for weekend of Dec. 13 thru 15. Tripurari BBT Party 1346 big books, L.A. 1002 big books, N.Y. over 950 big books, Atlanta Airport over 650 big books, in one day. Distribution definitely doubling in USA, Hare Krsna, Ramesvara'' This kind of wonderful news is very pleasing to my heart and I thank you all again and again. I think this is the first time in history that ever before so many religious books have sold so popularly. Four thousand books in one day is a very unique figure. Keep distributing as many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure. We must make a large propoganda program for Krsna Consciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over the world. Just like the communists they are very expert in distributing their literature, their propoganda. At the present moment they are distributing their literature here in India in nine different languages and it is quite effective. Therefore we must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America. If we can get the masses in the Western countries like Europe and America to become Krsna Conscious, then all the rest of the world will follow. That is a fact. So please, I beg you, continue distributing my books in this way and Krsna will pour His blessings upon you all. Please keep me informed from time to time of the book sales statistics.   (More...)
I was extremely pleased to hear your report from your travelling buses. It sounds as if your program is very very wonderful and I am very encouraged to hear that such a program is coming along so nicely. I am glad that you have understood the importance of my books, therefore I am stressing it so much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one page then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal benefit. Or if he hands it over to his friend and he reads one page the same result is there. So continue these festivals constantly and make them all Krsna Conscious. Overflood the whole country by this preaching work. Let the whole United States become Vaisnavas, then everyone else in the whole world will follow. That is my real ambition. Therefore your program is very glorious. This is really preaching. Your intelligence is being properly utilized. In the beginning you took up the distribution of BTG's and you sold the most. Now you have taken up this van program and you will also be successful in the same way. This preaching spirit will make you recognized by Krsna. There is so much wonderful potential in USA for this type of program. So organize hundreds of such parties. This is fulfilling the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I am very glad to hear that not only you are maintaining such program but that you want to expand it. Yes, this is our philosophy; anandambuddhi vardhanam. It means to expand or to increase. Therefore I strongly encourage you to double your program by getting three more buses if you can do it. There is no difficulty. BBT will help. I have written Hamsaduta one letter to give you the loan of $30,000. BBT means fifty percent is for printing books and fifty percent for construction of temples. So your buses are all moving temples. Don't worry. There will be no scarcity of money. Go on with your program and increase and increase more and more. In the end of your letter you mention that people are not very much eager to go to Temples but with your program you are bringing the temples to the people. Yes, this is a very important point. You have picked up this idea very nicely, of bringing the temples to the people. In this way you will give everyone the opportunity to step in the direction of back to Godhead, back to home. So you and Visnujana Maharaja and all of your nice brahmacaris continue strongly with great enthusiasm and determination to spread this Krsna Consciousness movement all over your country and Lord Caitanya will certainly be pleased with you.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 3, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you very much for your sincere endeavors to distribute my books widely. If you continue with such desire and determination, Krishna will give you all strength to increase more and more.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 27, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you very much for distributing my books so enthusiastically. You are right. We must all become ideal in our character and then people will be very impressed with such purity. A devotee is faultless. He has no flaws.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 3, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you for distributing my books everyday. This is a nice program for the press workers to increase enthusiasm.   (More...)
It is my habit to see that money is not being squandered. If money is spent unnecessarily, I feel very badly. You are collecting with great effort, and I do not like to see it spoiled. I am thinking that Guru-krpa's collections may be used for book publishing only. He can print books in Japan and send there to you for selling in India. From these sales, you can spend 50% on construction and 50% on Hindi publishing. And anyone who can manage such an organization, he can manage the BBT. But one must do it. It is simply a matter of organization. We can send you unlimited number of books. You simply have to apply your brain how to sell them. Then you will have plenty of money. This my mission you know started when I came alone to your country by selling my books, and still whatever money we are getting it is coming from the book selling. So it is already proven how important the book-selling is.   (More...)
At any rate we do not know how long we shall live. So we have to concentrate on reading, chanting, and distributing books, and in this way try to become Krsna conscious completely before the next death.   (More...)
Regarding your proposal for printing the condensed version of Bhagavad-gita, yes, do it. From your figures of book distribution you are doing real preaching. Which books are you distributing? Your prasadam program is also very important. Continue it. By chanting and giving prasadam you will get so many devotees. Yes, as you say the purity is attractive to people. Continue it. Our only asset is our purity. pavitram paramam bhavam. You cannot reach Krsna without being pure, because He is the supreme pure. Yes, on my next visit to Europe, I will certainly visit your temple.   (More...)
So Krishna has given you the chance to spread Krishna consciousness so long your country lasts. So try to sell a similar quantity of books every day as you are now doing and that will encourage me. And you can offer your heartiest thanks to the justice because he has given us such a great facility. May by the grace of Krishna your country last forever, and may the justice also live a long time and may you go on selling books. That is my desire.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 2, 1976, and I have noted the contents. I am very pleased to see that you are distributing 40-60 books daily. Please go on doing this; it is very good. Tripurari Maharaja is well advanced in this art and your intelligence combined will produce a good effect. Please stick to this engagement, and in that way you will be successful.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter undated with the enclosed sankirtana report. I thank you very much for the good news. The enthusiasm of the devotees is a very good sign. The more they become enthused and anxious to preach the more they become Krishna conscious. ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati, na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah [Bg 18.68]. One who explains the supreme secret to the devotees is the most dear to Krsna and never will there be one more dear. So always keep them enthused in this book distribution. This pleases me very much.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada