Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your weekly sankirtana newsletters. I am always happy to hear of increasing book sales. These reports are very encouraging to me. Our real business is to print and distribute books. By doing this business, you are all becoming recognized by Krishna. Please try to continue working so nicely for Krishna, following the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, and studying my books and you will finish your business in this material world in this life and enter into the spiritual world to live with Krishna eternally. Don't become discouraged by an so-called problems. Make your program simple, that is to say, always make sure that you are somehow or other engaged in Krishna's service, and the best service is preaching or engaging others in Krishna's service. So continue in this way and be happy.   (More...)
Our first business is this book distribution. There is no need of any other business. If this book distribution is managed properly, pushed on with great enthusiasm and determination and at the same time if our men keep spiritually strong, then the whole world will become Krishna conscious.   (More...)
I am very much pleased to see how much you and all the devotees have increased sankirtana in the Washington area. This you should all make your main business. For a long time there was not so much book distribution done there, but now that you are all concentrating on it there will be no shortage of anything. It is wonderful how many big books you are able to distribute.   (More...)
In the six day book distribution, Eastern zone was first. This is our most important work. All the leaders should tax their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our needs will be met.   (More...)
It is nice they are maintaining and increasing the Rathayatra program in Philadelphia. Last year's program was very nice. That is good they have sold the jewelry business; we have got so nice book business, why shall we have this? You say Atlanta has pledged $33,000, that is nice, whose business can give us profit like that?   (More...)
The example of Prahlada Maharaja is there. Despite all efforts on the part of his atheistic father to change him, he remained a staunch devotee of the Lord. It is undoubtedly unfortunate circumstances, but why should we jeopardize the reputation of our Movement? You have been handling the affair. Please now rectify the situation. Do everything legally. Do not cause unnecessary troublesome situations. Our main business is to distribute my books and people will come gradually. Everything should be done for that purpose. People will criticize and oppose us, there is no doubt, so why should we create more trouble unnecessarily.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada