Please continue to try and convince the world leaders who are in Washington D.C. about our Krishna Consciousness program. Why don't you approach the Congressmen and Representatives and inform them of the work that our men are doing within their states and cities. If they are favorably impressed with our work, they may be able to give us government land and property and so many other facilities which we can utilize to aid all of the population. I think so many men will be glad to receive our books, so please utilize this opportunity. Simply it requires determination and imagination. Maybe you can get the Indian Ambassador and his wife to hold a meeting at which many important men can be invited. If he and his wife are favorably impressed, certainly they can hold a nice meeting one evening. At that meeting you can speak and explain what our movement is and show slides and movies. Make a book table and display all of our books. Never mind if they also like to read from Ramakrishna. If you give them our KRSNA book to read, very soon all other tastes will go away.   (More...)
I like very much your proposal for approaching all the big leaders of the world and presenting them one Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and one copy of BTG, along with letter of description of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. If you can send me the copy of that Supreme Court Judge's letter? If you simply inform them something, by way of the line of our preaching logic and authority, gradually they may come to know about us and help us. But one thing is, our experience is that such big men will not help usexcept if there is some rare soul like Mr. George Harrison, and they must be guided also by our personally contacting them again and again and slowly build-up the relationship. We are more interested that the mass of men shall support uswhat good a handful of high-class supporters will do? Just like in your country, there was election, and the opponent of Mr. Nixon, he was supported by all high-class men, but because Mr. Nixon had help of the common men he was successful and won the fight. But, if even one such high-class man becomes preacher on our behalf, if he actually becomes converted to Krishna Consciousness preaching work, then that is the best contribution of your preaching also. Just like George, now he is practically converted and he is only preaching about Krishna, and he has done that from the beginningI think you knew him in London also, so you know how he is helping us push on the preachingso that type of big personality, if you can catch one or two such men for preaching contribution, oh, that will be wonderful achievement for you. We want that the mass shall support us, but we want that the class shall preach for us, that is the distinction. Is it clear? Please inform me from time to time how that programme, of inducing influential men to preach somehow or other our Krishna philosophy is progressing. I know that you have got good ability to do that work, I remember how you used to bring so many big men to see me in London, at that John Lennon's house. So if you sincerely desire to serve Him in that way, Krishna will give you every opportunity and intelligence how to seize it up, that He says:   (More...)

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