In five days at Kumbhamela we were able to distribute 30,000 pieces of literature. Therefore we can expect to receive 1 lakh collections per month from all the centers.   (More...)
I like your plan to take a travelling party for concentrating on book distribution in India. Our recent success in distributing 30,000 books in Kumbha Mehla indicates that there is a big scope for this distribution in India. Please work in cooperation with the GBCs and other leading devotees in India, and never mind if your efforts take some time before they produce solid results. The main thing is enthusiasm and determination. If you are actually sincere Krsna will reward all your desires to render Him pure devotional service. You are a very nice sannyasi, and expert in this kind of preaching, so I have faith that you will be able to do effective work to spread this movement for everyone's benefit.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada