Please accept my obeisances. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 27, 1975 and have noted the contents. Yes, it is Bhagavan's special mercy upon me that I am getting such immense wealth. You will be pleased to know that my books are selling to the extent of one million of dollars per month. But this money is coming from the mlecchas and yavanas. That is the difficulty. This money is not coming from the brahmanas. Therefore I am afraid to contribute to you as you request. How shall I give to you and pollute you?   (More...)
The latest report from Tamala Krsna Goswami is that we are selling $60,000 worth of our books daily. It is because you are helping me that all this has become possible otherwise how can I do anything alone, ekaki amara nahi paya bol, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that I cannot do anything, alone I am helpless. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself and he wants the help of His devotees and what to speak of me.   (More...)
You have given me the credit of being the best disciple of Prabhupada. That is very kind of you, but I am just trying to serve him. Whatever success there is is due to his mercy. In my last meeting with him in Radha Kunda he advised me to print some books if I get money. I took it very seriously and by His grace we have now published my translations of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Upadesamrta, etc. to the extent of 84 books. You'll be surprised to know that these books and my magazine Back To Godhead are selling daily 5-6 lakhs of rupees in the foreign countries. Out of such proceeds I am bringing foreign exchange of not less than 10 lakhs per month for construction work in Bombay, Mayapur, Vrndavana, etc. So, this is all due to the blessings of Srila Prabhupada. I have no credit in this connection. These American boys are helping me in this endeavor, therefore, until they are admitted to the Jagannatha Puri temple I'm not inclined to go there.   (More...)
Thanks for your determination. Why not act as liaison, agent, and representative of Krsna following in the footsteps of your father? Your father didn't despise the service of Krsna; because service of Krsna is eternal engagement of the living entity. Practically, your father's books sell all over the world to the extent of Rs. 5 to 6 lacs per day. If he would have taken the royalty to the minimum of 15% his daily income would have been Rs. 75,000/- per day. But he does not take a single paise and is engaged as representative of Krsna day and night. Why not follow this tradition of your noble heritage?   (More...)
Prabhupada: high-class professors, universities, libraries. They are all accepting. You will be surprised to know that we are selling books, according to our Indian currency, twenty lakhs of rupees per month. Out of that, we are spending eight to ten lakhs for all our centers.   (More...)

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