The six Gosvamis, they engaged themselves in literary work. Nana-sastra-vicaranaika. They are... You'll find in Rupa Gosvami's books. Oh, how many references are there! From Puranas, from Vedas, from this literature, that literature. Highly, great scholars. So that is one of the duty. We have given the list of qualification of a devotee. One of the qualification is poetic. Poetic means not write poetry. Poetic means literary man. They must give literature. Naturally they'll give. That is the nature of devotee. Because without literature, how can we enlighten the people at large? My Guru Maharaja used to say that this press is brhad-mrdanga. Brhat means bigger, at large, bigger mrdanga, bigger. Just like we are playing mrdanga. This mrdanga can be vibrated in the neighboring quarter, but our mrdanga, Back to Godhead, that will go far, far away. So therefore this press was considered by my Guru Maharaja as brhad-mrdanga. He said. You'll find in the picture: there is this mrdanga and press. He was very much fond of press. In the very beginning of his, this life, he started one press. You'll find in his life a small press.   (More...)

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