Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 31, 1975 and the six new volumes of Caitanya Caritamrta. So the books have increased, and they are all very nicely done. I think I may stop all touring and just sit down here for translating. You have taken seriously the publishing and also the distribution of these books, and that is the success of our mission. You have taken seriously this work and I know that my guru maharaj is pleased with you because he wanted this. So by this your endeavor you will all go back home back to Godhead.   (More...)
I was very glad to learn how our devotees are coming out victorious in the preaching to the university professors and students. Other groups have no philosophy nor do they have any idea of spiritual life, what to speak of living it. Our movement is authorized. Our books are based on the statements of the most exalted devotees. And if we follow strictly the guidelines for devotional service as they are given in the Nectar of Devotion and Nectar of Instruction, then no one can touch us. Our position is definitely due to our books, therefore I am always pressing on this point. All the groups are declining including the Christians. We are being harassed by the authorities and they are all Christians. Because they are losing ground, and we are increasing, they are trying to stop us. There is always this battle between the demons and the devotees, but the devotees always win because they are protected by Krishna.   (More...)

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