The transcendental competition is nice. If Jayatirtha Prabhu defeats Tamala Krishna Maharaja, then Tamala will have heart failure. Go on selling books. My Guru Maharaja was very much anxious about selling books and preaching, so you are pleasing him by this bombastic flood of books all over the world. Thank you.   (More...)
In the material world competition one thinks my competitor can do so much, how can I bring him down? In the spiritual world there is appreciation: he has done so nicely, I could not do so well. Just like in the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also beautiful men and beautiful women and there is attraction but this attraction is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories.   (More...)
The Christmas distribution in England is unimaginable. Europe is a great field for preaching. New York-Radha Damodara and Los Angeles have already accepted defeat. This transcendental competition is very encouraging. But combined together, we must defeat Maya and her influence. When the Kurus and the Pandavas used to fight, there were 100 brothers on one side, and 5 brothers on the other side. But when there was another party, then the 105 brother were together. In this way, we must cooperate to spread Krsna consciousness.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated December 25th and January 9th respectively, and have noted the contents. Yes, I am very pleased with your book distribution because nobody was able to defeat Radha Damodara TSKP previously. Radha-Damodara is Himself pleased upon you. sometimes the Lord wants to be defeated by His devotee. Nobody can defeat the Lord, but still He desires like that sometimes. That is His mercy. Pancadravida Swami is very intelligent in every way. He is a very competent, nice devotee. I am very much pleased, so go on increasing the distribution more and more.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada