Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 22, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected. If things deteriorate that is another thing, but it is not the fault of book distribution.   (More...)
The book distribution should not be curtailed. You can first have a little chanting, then book distribution; but book distribution is also chanting.   (More...)
Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, both should go on, but book distribution is more important. It is brihat kirtana. In Tokyo airport one boy had come up to me asking if he could speak with me. I said yes, and then he asked me "Swamiji, where do you get all that knowledge in your books?'' Of course it is Krishna's knowledge, not mine. But the effect is there. So for wider kirtana book distribution is better. Book distribution is also kirtana.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your Sankirtana newsletters No. 23 & 24. These statistics are very nice. I like very much to receive the report of my book sales. I think it also gives encouragement to the devotees who distribute the books. Here at Mayapur my guru maharaj was printing one paper. It was selling for only a few paise. Sometimes whenever one brahmacari would go to Navadvipa and sell even a few copies, I would see my guru maharaj become very much pleased. Even if the brahmacari was not a very important member, my guru maharaj would become very, very pleased with him. He personally instructed me that books are more important than big temples. At Radha Kunda he told me that since constructing the big marble temple at Bhag Bazar, there have been so many difficulties. Our men our envious over who will live in which room. I think it would be better to take off all the marbles and sell them and print books. He told me this personally. So I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana.   (More...)
Please accept my humble obeisances. There have been two letters from GBC men to Srila Prabhupada regarding street chanting and book distribution, and there seems to be some discussion about the two. Srila Prabhupada has said that book distribution is more important that street chanting. Book distribution is brihat kirtana. It is literally kirtana in the sense that the books are spoken and therefore anyone who reads a book is hearing. Because his books are recorded and transcribed Srila Prabhupada calls his books spoken kirtanas, or recorded chanting. So book distribution is also kirtana and should not be considered less than kirtana.   (More...)
The reason book distribution is greater than chanting is because the effect is wider. A purchased book goes into a person's home and will be read by others, whereas street kirtana only benefits those in the vicinity who hear. Two cases are cited. In Portugal one boy, who is only 11 years old, has become a devotee. He offers prasadam and is translating Bhagavad-gita As It Is into Portuguese with the help of his mother. He got several of our books at a bookstore in Lisbon and has asked his father who is just now coming to USA to get him all available Srimad-Bhagavatams. Prabhupada remarks that our books went there to Portugal but we did not, but still he has become a devotee. Then in Tokyo airport Prabhupada tells how one Japanese youth approached Srila Prabhupada and asked if he could speak with Srila Prabhupada. When Prabhupada said yes, the boy asked, "Where do you get all the knowledge that is in your books?" So by comparative study book selling is more important.   (More...)
Srila Prabhupada also pointed out that is the West sometimes the street chanting is considered as a farce. Also in India. At first street chanting was tried but was met with mostly derogatory reaction. Therefore there is mostly Life Membership preaching in India, which is of course book distribution.   (More...)
So it is a good thing that you have distributed books to the son and daughter of the President. This is another example how the book distribution is better than the Street Sankirtana alone. Now the books are in the President's house, but by your chanting you could never approach the President's house. That the body guards allowed our devotee to sell them the books, means that they accept us as good people who do not cause harm. Most probably when entering the house and seeing the father, the daughter would say see what I have purchased today.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada