So this process of Krsna consciousness should be very vigorously propagated all over the world. Simply by seeing the Deity, simply by joining Hare Krsna mantra chanting, sravanam kirtanam... Here it is said, yat-kirtanam. The kirtana word is first used. Simply by kirtanam. Yat-kirtanam yat-smaranam. If you perform kirtana, then you'll be able to think of Krsna, that "I have danced two hours, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. What is the meaning?" That is smarana, again smarana, "Krsna." He may think that "Foolishly, I have chanted for two hours, 'Krsna, Krsna.' " That means again smaranam, Krsna caught up. Then yad-iksanam. So just like people are purchasing our Krsna book. Because Krsna movement is going on, so they are purchasing out of curiosity: "What is this Krsna? Let us see." Yad-iksanam. "Let us see the book." And immediately he will see the picture, Radha-Krsna. Yad-iksanam. And if they open the book, they'll see more. Yad-iksanam. Then there is vandanam. There are so many prayers, glorifying Krsna. Then sravanam. Others will hear. Somebody will read. Then if he's fortunate enough, he'll become Krsna conscious. Yad-arhanam: he'll be engaged in the worshiping of Deity.   (More...)

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