I am very much anxious to know about Jaya Govinda. I have not heard anything from him since about a month. Please let me know immediately whether he has reached Hamburg by this time. Regarding your need for a warm beverage to drink while you are working, milk is the best. Take hot milk with little sugar, stir it very nicely, and drink it when it is warm sufficiently, tolerable by you, and with bubbles on the surface. That is the best hot beverage available in the world. You can also prepare some halevah. That is also very nice for a cold country. Add to it some raisins, almonds, etc.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 10th, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you very much for distributing my books in such severe conditions of cold. This is Krishna Consciousness. No matter what the conditions, still a devotee will always try his best to please his spiritual master and Krishna.   (More...)

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