The Nectar of Devotion - 1970
NoD 21: Qualities of Sri Krsna
1. Beautiful Bodily Features
2. Auspicious Characteristics
3. Pleasing
4. Effulgent
5. Strong
6. Ever-youthful
7. Wonderful Linguist
8. Truthful
9. Pleasing Talker
10. Fluent in All Languages
11. Highly Learned
12. Highly Intelligent
13. Genius
14. Artistic
15. Clever
16. Expert
17. Grateful
18. Determined
19. Expert Judge of Time and Circumstances
20. Seer by the Authority of the Scriptures
21. Pure
22. Self-controlled
23. Steadfast
24. Forbearing
25. Forgiving
26. Grave
27. Self-satisfied
28. Possessing Equilibrium
29. Magnanimous
30. Religious