ubhayoh—both SB 4.16.5, SB 4.22.28, SB 5.23.5, SB 6.5.37
ubhayoh—of both of Us Madhya 1.76, Antya 1.79, Antya 1.114
ubhayoh—of both parties Bg 1.26, Bg 2.10
ubhayoh—of both (Candravali and Radharani) Adi 4.70, Madhya 8.161
ubhayoh—of both the parties Bg 1.21-22
ubhayoh—of the two Bg 2.16
ubhayoh—between the two SB 3.6.29
ubhayoh—on both SB 3.22.26-27
ubhayoh—of both Nanda Maharaja and Vasudeva SB 10.1.62-63
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ubhayoh
ubhayoh madhye—in between the two SB 9.14.44-45