yuge—after millennium. Bg 4.8
yuge—age SB 1.1.10
yuge—period SB 1.4.3
yuge—different periods SB 1.10.25
yuge—and ages. SB 1.10.25
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: yuge
kali-yuge—in the Age of Kali Adi 3.40, Adi 3.50, Madhya 6.95, Madhya 6.99, Madhya 20.343
yuge yuge—in every age SB 7.11.31, SB 7.11.31, Adi 3.23, Adi 3.23
yuge yuge—in different ages. SB 1.3.28, SB 1.3.28
yuge yuge—different ages. SB 1.4.16, SB 1.4.16
yuge yuge—in each and every yuga, or particular age SB 2.8.17, SB 2.8.17
yuge yuge—in every millennium SB 6.9.26-27, SB 6.9.26-27
yuge yuge—in different millenniums. Adi 5.79, Adi 5.79
catuh-yuge—in cycles of four ages Adi 3.8
catuh-yuge—in the cycle of four ages Adi 3.10
sri-hasta-yuge—with His two arms Madhya 13.117
cari-yuge—in the four ages Adi 3.7
krte yuge—in the Satya-yuga SB 3.21.8
prabhura carana-yuge—on the lotus feet of the Lord Madhya 12.122
prati-yuge—in every age or millennium Madhya 6.100
satya-yuge—in the millennium of Satya-yuga Madhya 20.334
ara tina-yuge—in the three other yugas Madhya 20.343