Bhagavad-gita 4.10

Calcutta, September 23, 1974
Nitai: "Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Meand thus they attained transcendental love for Me."
So I think I can speak in English. Is that all right?
Guests: Yes, yes.
Prabhupada: Nowadays, ladies, they can understand. This is the process. Mad-bhavam agatah. Our this human form of life is meant for going back to Krsna, back to home, back to Godhead. This Krsna consciousness movement is giving information to the people in general how to make life successful. What is that successful life? To go back to home, back to Godhead. This is not our home. This material world, this is foreign country. We are... Just like I am travelling all over the world. My home is in India, but I am going to so many countries, Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Africa... But my home is in India. This is a crude example. Similarly, we are all part and parcel of Krsna. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah [Bg. 15.7]. Krsna says. "All these living entities, they are My part and parcel."
So Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Bs. 5.1]. Krsna, His body is not material body. Those who are thinking Krsna's body as material, they are called Mayavadis. But actually, Krsna's body is not material. The evidence is that Krsna knows past, present and future. In the material body that is not possible. Just like I had my previous body in my previous birth, but I don't remember. If somebody asks me, "What you were in your previous life?" it is very difficult. Because death means forgetfulness.
We are not dying. So far we are, living entities are concerned, we are not dying. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire [Bg. 2.20]. We do not die. This is a disease, that we accept a foreign body, material body. And the foreign body is a machine. Just like you have got a car. You can ride on, drive on the car so long the machine is working. But as soon as the machine does not work, you have to change your car. It is like that.
Yantrarudhani mayaya. Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. And He is giving us the facilities for material enjoyment. Because we have come here, we have come in this, in the material world, for sense enjoyment.
This is a simple poetry given by a Vaisnava. As soon as we want to enjoy life independently, immediately maya captures. So this is simple presentation.
From sastra it is understood that Krsna, who is sitting within your heart, He knows what you are willing. You cannot conceal anything from Krsna. Anumanta upadrasta. The Paramatma is described as upadrasta, seeing everything. So because we have come to this material world for sense enjoyment, Krsna is giving us chance. "All right." Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca [Bg. 15.15]. Krsna says, "I am sitting in everyone's heart." And because the living entity wanted to do something for his sense enjoyment, He gives the chance, "All right, here is the chance. You can do it." But actually, Krsna does not want it. But we want it. We want it. Just like a father says, "My dear boy, you do not do this. You do this." But the son insists, "No, I'll do this." So therefore father also says, "All right, do it at your risk."
Similarly, this material enjoyment is not required because we are spiritual entity. We have nothing to do with this... Asango 'yam purusah. We have no connection with this material world. But somehow or other, we are attached to this material enjoyment and we have forgotten Krsna, we have forgotten our home, we have forgotten our real identity. Therefore Krsna says here, vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah [Bg. 2.56]. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha man-maya mam upasritah [Bg. 4.10]. If somebody understands that "This is not my home. I am wandering in these foreign countries," that is knowledge. But those who have no knowledge, they think that they are this body.
yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke
sva-dhih kalatradisu bhauma ijya-dhih
yat-tirtha-buddhih salile na karhicij
janesv abhijnesu sa eva go-kharah
[SB 10.84.13]
This is animal conception of life. "I am this body." "I am Indian." "I am Hindu." "I am Muslim." "I am American." "I am Christian." "I am Hindu." Like that. This is all bodily conception. Sa eva go-kharah [SB 10.84.13]. This conception of life is animal conception.
Just like a dog. He does not know that he is spirit soul. He cannot understand. Aham brahmasmi. He cannot understand. It is in the human body one can understand that "I am not this body." A human body can understand what is written in the Bhagavad-gita. Tatha dehantara-praptih [Bg. 2.13]. You have to change your body. You do not know what change is going to be happened. But you have to change your body. How? There are so many bodies. Cats, dogs, demigods, and so many others. You have to accept. According to your karma. Karmana daiva-netrena [SB 3.31.1], by the judgement of superior authority, and according to your karma, you'll get a body.
So this is the problem of life, and in the human form of life there is chance of understanding what is the problem of life. The problem is that "I am eternal spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi. I am not this body." That, that is called knowledge.
Knowledge, nowadays they are fond of the technical knowledge, but try to understand what is the technical knowledge. In Boston I was invited by the Massachusetts Technical Institute. So I asked them, all the students, that "What has, what is that technology that when this machine stops to work, what technology you have got to get this machine again working? Have you got any department?" So they could not answer that, but they were very much attracted.
And we are now sending our representative all over the world to the scientists. Here is Dr. Svarupa Damodara Ph.D... He is from California. He has passed his chemistry and he has written one book. So in Manipur, he was, he was invited by many universities, schools, colleges.
So this movement is not a sentimental movement. It is the scientific movement. It is the most elevated, scientific movement. If you are a scientist, you can question. Here is scientist present. He will answer you scientifically. Don't take this movement as some something sentimental. Authorized movement. We are speaking the science which is given by Krsna, the Supreme Authority.
So here Krsna is giving you the idea, how you can get out of this material entanglement. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah [Bg. 2.56]. In the material life we are attached to four things: ahara-nidra-bhaya... Bhaya means fearfulness. So the fearfulness must be there. Because we accepted this material body, there must be always, we must be always afraid. Not only we, even a small ant or birds and beasts, everyone. Sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat [SB 7.5.5]. Always full of anxiety. Why? Asad-grahat. Because we have accepted this body, asat. Asato ma gama, sad gama. That is the Vedic injunction. "Don't keep yourself in this asat material world." Sad gama. Jyotir gama. Tamasi ma. These are the Vedic injunctions.
So here Krsna says that "Many people..." Bahavah. Not only one or two. Krsna says, bahavo jnana-tapasa. Jnana, knowledge, and tapasa, austerities. So this human life is meant for jnana and tapasa. Then we become purified. Jnana-tapasa puta. Puta means purified. We have to purify our existence. This is human activity. Just like we are training. We are training our students how to become purified. No illicit sex life, no intoxication, no gambling, and what is the other?
Brahmananda: No meat-eating.
Prabhupada: No meat-eating. You have to purify yourself. That is the injunction of all Vedic literature.
So if we don't take to tapasya and don't take to knowledge, then this human form of life is spoiled. That, that, this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose.
So today is Srimati Radharani's birthday, Radhastami. So we called you for meeting. This Radharani, about some, Radharani... Because this Radharani is the source of spiritual inspiration. Source of spiritual inspiration. Apareyam itas tu viddhi me prakrtim param, jiva-bhutam maha-baho... Prakrtim param [Bg. 7.5]. The apara-prakrti is this material world, bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh [Bg. 7.4].
And there is another prakrti, para-prakrti. That is also mentioned here: mad-bhavam. Mad-bhavam means the nature in which Krsna is there. In this material nature, although Krsna is there, but we do not understand. We cannot see Krsna. That is material, forgetfulness of Krsna. But when you remember Krsna even in this material world, then it becomes spiritual.
Just like this temple. This temple is the opportunity of remembering Krsna. Here is Krsna worship. Here you can remember Krsna. Here is the inmates of this temple. They are chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama... So that is called mam upasritah. Mam upasritah. They have taken the shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. And man-maya, and always thinking of Krsna. And vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah [Bg. 2.56]. Raga, we have got some attachment, this material attachment. But as soon as you become attached to Krsna, you'll be detached to this material world. That is... Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat [SB 11.2.42]. That is the test of bhakti.
Bhakti means... When you are advanced in bhakti... Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. That is the test. The example is... Just like when you are hungry, you are given some food, you are eating voraciously. But when you are satisfied, you'll say, "No more. No more." Similarly, when you get Krsna, then you will say, "No more. No more material necessities."
Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, the point of realization: na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagadisa kamaye [Cc. Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4]. He says, "I don't want these material riches, dhanam." Everyone is after money. "Money, money, money." But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, na dhanam, "I don't want money." Na dhanam na janam. "Don't want followers." Everyone wants to become leader and some followers. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "What is the use of becoming leader of these fools?" Na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va. Everyone wants very beautiful, obedient wife. He says, "That also I don't want." Then what do You want? Mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi [Cc. Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4]. It is so pleasure, it is so great a pleasure that if you come to this bhakti platform, if you realize little, then you'll forget all these things.
Svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace [Cc. Madhya 22.42]. Just like Dhruva Maharaja said. When he... He went to the forest for getting some material profit, but when he realized God, when he saw Krsna, Visnu, he... Visnu wanted, "Now you take benediction, whatever you want." He said, svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace: "Svamin, I am now satisfied." So this is the position that yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah.
So if you take to Krsna consciousness, then these are the result. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah [Bg. 2.56]. Krodha means when we cannot satisfy our senses in the... We try to satisfy our senses... Just like the jackal. He wanted to eat some grapes, but jumping, jumping, he could not get. Then, in krodha, he says, "Oh, it is useless. It is sour. We don't want." So this krodha, in the absence of sense gratification, there is krodha. Kama esa krodha esa rajo-guna-samudbhavah.
So Krsna says, man-maya, "being always absorbed in Me." Man-maya, maya, maya, maya. Vikararthe mayarthe.(?)When, just like, one thing is covered with gold, it is called svarnamaya. Similarly, when... We are now materially covered. When we become covered with Krsna consciousness, that is called man-maya. Man-maya, always thinking of Krsna. How it is possible? Man-maya mam upasritah. When you take shelter of Krsna, Krsna is so kind, He gives you shelter. He says,
We cannot become krsnamaya so long we are sinful
So these are the formulas. So one has to become man-maya. By taking shelter of Krsna, one has to become absorbed in thinking of Krsna. That is not very difficult. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru [Bg. 18.65]. It is not at all difficult. You simply chant Hare Krsna mantra. You'll be man-maya. This is so nice thing. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has recommended,
harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha
[Cc. Adi 17.21]
So our request is... Everyone who is present here... Today is Radhastami. So pray to Radharani. And She is hare, hara. This hare, this word, is Radharani. Hara, Radharani. Radha or hara the same thing. So Hare Krsna. So we are praying to Radharani, "My Mother, Radharani, and Krsna." Hare Krsna. "O Krsna, O the Lord." Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, the same thing, repetition. "O Radharani, O Krsna." "O Radha-Krsna." "Radhe-Krsna" or "Hare Krsna," the same thing. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare. Again addressing, "O Krsna, O Krsna, O Radharani." Hare Rama. The same thing, again. Hare Rama. Rama is also Krsna. Rama is Rama, Rama is Balarama. They are all Krsna. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So this repetition of addressing Radha and Krsna or Hare Krsna is to pray, "My dear Lord, the, and the energy, the spiritual energy of the Lord, kindly engage me in Your service." That's all. "I am now embarrassed with this material service. Please engage me in Your service."
This is good sense. We are servants here. We are engaged in so many services. But it is not giving us comfort. Na trapa nopasanti. The service which we are rendering to others, they are not satisfied, I am not satisfied. This is material service. But if you give service to Krsna... Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat. A little service can save you from the greatest danger. This is the formula.
Just like Ajamila. Ajamila, in his boyhood, he was brahmana. He was giving service to Visnu. But in young age he became a victim of a prostitute, and he fell down. But at the end, ante narayana-smrtih [SB 2.1.6], when Yamaduta was coming and were so fearful, he did not know whom to take shelter, but he was attached to his youngest son, whose name was Narayana. So he thought, "This Narayana would give me protection." So he asked him, "Narayana!" But at the same time he remembered that "That Narayana, oh, hm, I sometimes gave service." So immediately Narayana saved him. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat.
So it is our duty therefore... That is the duty of human life, to become Krsna conscious. And that is stated here. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha man-maya mam upasritah, bahavah [Bg. 4.10]. It is not that one or two. Many. Jnana-tapasa. Jnana. That is required, knowledge and tapasya. That is human life. If, if we remain just like cats and dogs, eat, sleep and have sex life, beget children and die someday, this is cats' and dogs' life. This is not human life. Human life is different. Man-maya mam upasritah. Jnana-tapasa puta. To become purified by knowledge and tapasya. Tapo divyam yena suddhyet sattvam [SB 5.5.1]. That is the statement of Rsabhadeva. Everywhere. We have to purify our existence, and get out of this repetition of birth and death. That is success of life.
So we shall pray to Radharani... What is Radharani? Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. Pleasure potency. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate [Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport]. The Supreme Lord has many potencies. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. Therefore He has nothing to do. He has got so many potencies. Just like big man, a rich man. He's sitting. But his energies, his potencies, are working. Big, big factory. And he knows everything. Similarly, parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate. He has got many multi-potencies. One of them is this pleasure potency. Pleasure potency...
He also wants pleasure. So when Krsna wants... Krsna is Param Brahman. He cannot enjoy anything material. He has to create the source of enjoyment by His own spiritual potency. That is Radharani. So Radharani is described in the sastra: radha-krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini-saktir asmad [Cc. Adi 1.5]. That is Krsna's hladini-sakti. She gives pleasure to Krsna. So She is very kind. And today is Radhastami. If we pray to Srimati Radharani... Therefore in Vrndavana you'll see. They are first of all glorifying, "Jaya Radhe!" Everywhere you'll hear. "Jaya Radhe."
Guest: Jaya Radhe.
Prabhupada: To glorify Srimati Radharani. So if Radharani's pleased, he'll be able to approach Krsna very easily. And that is the goal of our life. That is the goal of life. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha man-maya mam upasritah [Bg. 4.10]. Mam upasritah means you have to take... You cannot take shelter of Krsna directly. You have to take shelter of His potency.
Krsna is therefore trying to help us. Guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija [Cc. Madhya 19.151]. He is within. He is called caitya-guru. If you are purified... Krsna... Buddhi-yogam dadami tam. He'll directly speak you. And so long you cannot, then He sends His representative, the spiritual master, the guru. You can ask through the spiritual master about Krsna. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah **.
So in this way we have to be absorbed in the thought of Krsna. We have to take shelter of Krsna. Then... If you take shelter of Krsna, this jnana...
The same thing. Krsna will speak. Krsna is within you. Simply you have to take shelter of Krsna, always thinking of Krsna, chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama...
Guests: Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Prabhupada: Thank you very much. That's all. (end)

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