TEXTS 4146
etasminn antare visnuh
sarvopaya-vid isvarah
yosid-rupam anirdesyam
bibhrat sukesa-bharena
malam utphulla-mallikam
kancya pravilasad-valgu-
kamam uddipayan muhuh
etasmin antareafter this incident; visnuhLord Visnu; sarva-upaya-vitone who knows how to deal with different situations; isvarahthe supreme controller; yosit-rupamthe form of a beautiful woman; anirdesyamno one could ascertain who She was; dadharaassumed; paramasupremely; adbhutamwonderful; preksaniyapleasing to look at; utpala-syamamblackish like a newly grown lotus; sarvaall; avayavaparts of the body; sundaramvery beautiful; samanaequally adjusted; karna-abharanamornaments on the ears; su-kapolavery beautiful cheeks; unnasa-ananama raised nose on Her face; nava-yauvananewly youthful; nirvrtta-stanabreasts not agitated; bharaweight; krsavery lean and thin; udaramwaist; mukhaface; amodacreating pleasure; anuraktaattracted; alibumblebees; jhankaramaking a humming sound; udvignafrom anxiety; locanamHer eyes; bibhratmoving; su-kesa-bharenaby the weight of beautiful hair; malamwith a flower garland; utphulla-mallikammade of fully grown mallika flowers; su-grivaa nice neck; kantha-abharanamornamented with beautiful jewelry; su-bhujavery beautiful arms; angada-bhusitamdecorated with bangles; viraja-ambaravery clean cloth; samvitaspread; nitambabreast; dvipaappearing like an island; sobhayaby such beauty; kancyathe belt on the waist; pravilasatspreading over; valguvery beautiful; calat-carana-nupurammoving ankle bells; sa-vrida-smitasmiling with shyness; viksiptaglancing; bhru-vilasaactivities of the eyebrows; avalokanaihglancing over; daitya-yutha-pathe leaders of the demons; cetahsuin the core of the heart; kamamlusty desire; uddipayatawakening; muhuhconstantly.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who can counteract any unfavorable situation, then assumed the form of an extremely beautiful woman. This incarnation as a woman, Mohini-murti, was most pleasing to the mind. Her complexion resembled in color a newly grown blackish lotus, and every part of Her body was beautifully situated. Her ears were equally decorated with earrings, Her cheeks were very beautiful, Her nose was raised and Her face full of youthful luster. Her large breasts made Her waist seem very thin. Attracted by the aroma of Her face and body, bumblebees hummed around Her, and thus Her eyes were restless. Her hair, which was extremely beautiful, was garlanded with mallika flowers. Her attractively constructed neck was decorated with a necklace and other ornaments, Her arms were decorated with bangles, Her body was covered with a clean sari, and Her breasts seemed like islands in an ocean of beauty. Her legs were decorated with ankle bells. Because of the movements of Her eyebrows as She smiled with shyness and glanced over the demons, all the demons were saturated with lusty desires, and every one of them desired to possess Her.
Because of the Supreme Lords assuming the form of a beautiful woman to arouse the lusty desires of the demons, a description of Her complete beauty is given here.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Eighth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled The Churning of the Milk Ocean.
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