tan aksatan svastimato nisamya
sastrastra-pugair atha vrtra-nathah
drumair drsadbhir vividhadri-srngair
aviksatams tatrasur indra-sainikan
tanthem (the soldiers of the demigods); aksatannot injured; svasti-matahbeing very healthy; nisamyaseeing; sastra-astra-pugaihby the bunches of weapons and mantras; athathereupon; vrtra-nathahthe soldiers led by Vrtrasura; drumaihby the trees; drsadbhihby the stones; vividhavarious; adriof mountain s; srngaihby the peaks; aviksatannot injured; tatrasuhbecame afraid; indra-sainikanthe soldiers of King Indra.
When the soldiers of the demons, commanded by Vrtrasura, saw that the soldiers of King Indra were quite well, having not been injured at all by their volleys of weapons, not even by the trees, stones and mountain peaks, the demons were very much afraid.
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