tatah parigha-nistrimsaih
sakty-rstibhir bhusundibhis
citra-vajaih sarair api
abhyavarsan prakupitah
saratham saha-sarathim
icchantas tat pratikartum
ayutanam trayodasa
tatahthereupon; parighawith iron bludgeons; nistrimsaihand swords; prasa-sulawith tridents; parasvadhaihand lances; saktiwith pikes; rstibhihand spears; bhusundibhihwith bhusundi weapons; citra-vajaihhaving various feathers; saraihwith arrows; apialso; abhyavarsanthey showered Dhruva; prakupitahbeing angry; sa-rathamalong with his chariot; saha-sarathimalong with his charioteer; icchantahdesiring; tatDhruvas activities; pratikartumto counteract; ayutanamof ten-thousands; trayodasathirteen.
The Yaksa soldiers were 130,000 strong, all greatly angry and all desiring to defeat the wonderful activities of Dhruva Maharaja. With full strength they showered upon Maharaja Dhruva, along with his chariot and charioteer, various types of feathered arrows, parighas [iron bludgeons], nistrimsas [swords], prasasulas [tridents], parasvadhas [lances], saktis [pikes], rstis [spears] and bhusundi weapons.
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