tac chrutva bhagavan krsnas
tv avyayah sarbha-vatsakam
curni-cikirsor atmanam
tarasa vavrdhe gale
tatthat exclamation of ha-ha; srutvahearing; bhagavanthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; krsnahLord Krsna; tuindeed; avyayahnever vanquishable; sa-arbha-vatsakamalong with the cowherd boys and the calves; curni-cikirsohof that demon, who desired to smash within the abdomen; atmanampersonally, Himself; tarasavery soon; vavrdheenlarged; galewithin the throat.
When the invincible Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, heard the demigods crying Alas! Alas! from behind the clouds, He immediately enlarged Himself within the demons throat, just to save Himself and the cowherd boys, His own associates, from the demon who wished to smash them.
Such are the acts of Krsna. paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (Bg. 4.8). By enlarging Himself within the throat of the demon, Krsna suffocated and killed him and at the same time saved Himself and His associates from imminent death and also saved the demigods from lamentation.

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