TEXTS 3536
ije ca yajnam kratubhir
atma-vid bhuri-daksinaih
sarva-devamayam devam
sarvatmakam atindriyam
dravyam mantro vidhir yajno
yajamanas tathartvijah
dharmo desas ca kalas ca
sarvam etad yad atmakam
ijehe worshiped; caalso; yajnamthe Lord of sacrifices; kratubhihby great ritualistic performances; atma-vitfully conscious by self-realization; bhuri-daksinaihby giving large contributions to the brahmanas; sarva-deva-mayamconsisting of all the demigods; devamthe Lord; sarva-atmakamthe Supersoul of everyone; ati-indriyamtranscendentally situated; dravyamingredients; mantrahchanting of the Vedic hymns; vidhihregulative principles; yajnahworshiping; yajamanahthe performer; tathawith; rtvijahthe priests; dharmahreligious principles; desahthe country; caand; kalahthe time; caalso; sarvameverything; etatall these; yatthat which is; atmakamfavorable for self-realization.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is not different from the auspicious aspects of great sacrifices, such as the ingredients of the sacrifice, the chanting of Vedic hymns, the regulative principles, the performer, the priests, the result of the sacrifice, the arena of sacrifice, and the time of sacrifice. Knowing the principles of self-realization, Mandhata worshiped that transcendentally situated Supreme Soul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, who comprises all the demigods. He also gave immense charity to the brahmanas, and thus he performed yajna to worship the Lord.
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