aham bandhyasapatni ca
snusa me yujyate katham
janayisyasi yam rajni
tasyeyam upayujyate
ahamI am; bandhyasterile; asa-patniI have no co-wife; caalso; snusadaughter-in-law; memy; yujyatecould be; kathamhow; janayisyasiyou will give birth to; yamwhich son; rajniO my dear Queen; tasyafor him; iyamthis girl; upayujyatewill be very suitable.
Saibya said, I am sterile and have no co-wife. How can this girl be my daughter-in-law? Please tell me. Jyamagha replied, My dear Queen, I shall see that you indeed have a son and that this girl will be your daughter-in-law.
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