tatyaja vridita tara
kumaram kanaka-prabham
sprham angirasas cakre
kumare soma eva ca
tatyajagave delivery; vriditabeing very much ashamed; taraTara, the wife of Brhaspati; kumaramto a child; kanaka-prabhamhaving a bodily effulgence like gold; sprhamaspiration; angirasahBrhaspati; cakremade; kumareunto the child; somahthe moon-god; evaindeed; caalso.
Sukadeva Gosvami continued: By Brhaspatis order, Tara, who was very much ashamed, immediately gave birth to the child, who was very beautiful, with a golden bodily hue. Both Brhaspati and the moon-god, Soma, desired the beautiful child.
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