TEXTS 2529
hrdy anga dharmam stanayor murarer
rtam ca satyam ca manasy athendum
sriyam ca vaksasy aravinda-hastam
kanthe ca samani samasta-rephan
indra-pradhanan amaran bhujesu
tat-karnayoh kakubho dyaus ca murdhni
kesesu meghan chvasanam nasikayam
aksnos ca suryam vadane ca vahnim
vanyam ca chandamsi rase jalesam
bhruvor nisedham ca vidhim ca paksmasu
ahas ca ratrim ca parasya pumso
manyum lalate dhara eva lobham
sparse ca kamam nrpa retasambhah
prsthe tv adharmam kramanesu yajnam
chayasu mrtyum hasite ca mayam
tanu-ruhesv osadhi-jatayas ca
nadis ca nadisu sila nakhesu
buddhav ajam deva-ganan rsims ca
pranesu gatre sthira-jangamani
sarvani bhutani dadarsa virah
hrdiwithin the heart; angamy dear King Pariksit; dharmamreligion; stanayohon the bosom; murarehof Murari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rtamvery pleasing words; caalso; satyamtruthfulness; caalso; manasiin the mind; athathereafter; indumthe moon; sriyamthe goddess of fortune; caalso; vaksasion the chest; aravinda-hastamwho always carries a lotus flower in her hand; kantheon the neck; caalso; samaniall the Vedas (Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva); samasta-rephanall sound vibrations; indra-pradhananheaded by King Indra; amaranall the demigods; bhujesuon the arms; tat-karnayohon the ears; kakubhahall the directions; dyauh cathe luminaries; murdhnion the top of the head; kesesuwithin the hair; meghanthe clouds; svasanambreathing air; nasikayamon the nostrils; aksnoh cain the eyes; suryamthe sun; vadanein the mouth; caalso; vahnimfire; vanyamin His speech; caalso; chandamsithe Vedic hymns; rasein the tongue; jala-isamthe demigod of the water; bhruvohon the eyebrows; nisedhamwarnings; caalso; vidhimregulative principles; caalso; paksmasuin the eyelids; ahah cadaytime; ratrimnight; caalso; parasyaof the supreme; pumsahof the person; manyumanger; lalateon the forehead; adhareon the lips; evaindeed; lobhamgreed; sparsein His touch; caalso; kamamlusty desires; nrpaO King; retasaby semen; ambhahwater; prstheon the back; tubut; adharmamirreligion; kramanesuin the wonderful activities; yajnamfire sacrifice; chayasuin the shadows; mrtyumdeath; hasitein His smiling; caalso; mayamthe illusory energy; tanu-ruhesuin the hair on the body; osadhi-jatayahall species of drugs, herbs and plants; caand; nadihthe rivers; caalso; nadisuin the veins; silahstones; nakhesuin the nails; buddhauin the intelligence; ajamLord Brahma; deva-gananthe demigods; rsin caand the great sages; pranesuin the senses; gatrein the body; sthira-jangamanimoving and stationary; sarvaniall of them; bhutaniliving entities; dadarsasaw; virahBali Maharaja.
My dear King, on the heart of Lord Murari he saw religion; on the chest, both pleasing words and truthfulness; in the mind, the moon; on the bosom, the goddess of fortune, with a lotus flower in her hand; on the neck, all the Vedas and all sound vibrations; on the arms, all the demigods, headed by King Indra; in both ears, all the directions; on the head, the upper planetary systems; on the hair, the clouds; in the nostrils, the wind; on the eyes, the sun; and in the mouth, fire. From His words came all the Vedic mantras, on His tongue was the demigod of water, Varunadeva, on His eyebrows were the regulative principles, and on His eyelids were day and night. [When His eyes were open it was daytime, and when they were closed it was night.] On His forehead was anger, and on His lips was greed. O King, in His touch were lusty desires, in His semen were all the waters, on His back was irreligion, and in His wonderful activities or steps was the fire of sacrifice. On His shadow was death, in His smile was the illusory energy, and on the hairs of His body were all the drugs and herbs. In His veins were all the rivers, on His nails were all the stones, in His intelligence were Lord Brahma, the demigods and the great saintly persons, and throughout His entire body and senses were all living entities, moving and stationary. Bali Maharaja thus saw everything in the gigantic body of the Lord.
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