natavan mudha mayabhir
mayesan no jigisasi
jitva balan nibaddhaksan
nato harati tad-dhanam
nata-vatlike a cheater or rogue; mudhayou rascal; mayabhihby exhibiting illusions; maya-isanunto the demigods, who can control all such illusory manifestations; nahunto us; jigisasiyou are trying to become victorious; jitvaconquering; balansmall children; nibaddha-aksanby binding the eyes; nataha cheater; haratitakes away; tat-dhanamthe property in the possession of a child.
Indra said: O rascal, as a cheater sometimes binds the eyes of a child and takes away his possessions, you are trying to defeat us by displaying some mystic power, although you know that we are the masters of all such mystic powers.
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