nyased dhrdaya omkaram
vi-karam anu murdhani
sa-karam tu bhruvor madhye
na-karam sikhaya nyaset
ve-karam netrayor yunjyan
na-karam sarva-sandhisu
ma-karam astram uddisya
mantra-murtir bhaved budhah
savisargam phad-antam tat
sarva-diksu vinirdiset
om visnave nama iti
nyasetshould place; hrdayeon the heart; omkaramthe pranava, omkara; vi-karamthe syllable vi of visnave; anuthereafter; murdhanion the top of the head; sa-karamthe syllable sa; tuand; bhruvoh madhyebetween the two eyebrows; na-karamthe syllable na; sikhayaon the sikha on the head; nyasetshould place; vekaramthe syllable ve; netrayohbetween the two eyes; yunjyatshould be placed; na-karamthe syllable na of the word namah; sarva-sandhisuon all the joints; ma-karamthe syllable ma of the word namah; astrama weapon; uddisyathinking; mantra-murtihthe form of the mantra; bhavetshould become; budhahan intelligent person; sa-visargamwith the visarga (h); phat-antamending with the sound phat; tatthat; sarva-diksuin all directions; vinirdisetshould fix; ompranava; visnaveunto Lord Visnu; namahobeisances; itithus.
One must then chant the mantra of six syllables [om visnave namah]. One should place the syllable om on his heart, the syllable vi on the top of his head, the syllable sa between his eyebrows, the syllable na on his tuft of hair [sikha], and the syllable ve between his eyes. The chanter of the mantra should then place the syllable na on all the joints of his body and meditate on the syllable ma as being a weapon. He should thus become the perfect personification of the mantra. Thereafter, adding visarga to the final syllable ma, he should chant the mantra mah astraya phat in all directions, beginning from the east. In this way, all directions will be bound by the protective armor of the mantra.

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