tasya te vihito dando
na loke vartate dhuna
caturbhir adbhutaih siddhair
ajna te vipralambhita
tasyaof the influence; teof you; vihitahordained; dandahpunishment; nanot; lokewithin this world; vartateexists; adhunanow; caturbhihby four; adbhutaihvery wonderful; siddhaihperfected persons; ajnathe order; teyour; vipralambhitasurpassed.
But now we see that the punishment ordained under your authority is no longer effective, since your order has been transgressed by four wonderful and perfect persons.
The Yamadutas had been under the impression that Yamaraja was the only person in charge of administering justice. They were fully confident that no one could counteract his judgments, but now, to their surprise, his order had been violated by the four wonderful persons from Siddhaloka.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/sb/6/3/8