tatha coktam
na kuryat karhicit sakhyam
manasi hy anavasthite
yad-visrambhac cirac cirnam
caskanda tapa aisvaram
tathaso; caand; uktamit is said; nanever; kuryatshould do; karhicitat any time or with anyone; sakhyamfriendship; manasiin the mind; hicertainly; anavasthitewhich is very restless; yatin which; visrambhatfrom placing too much faith; ciratfor a long time; cirnampracticed; caskandabecame disturbed; tapahthe austerity; aisvaramof great personalities like Lord Siva and the great sage Saubhari.
All the learned scholars have given their opinion. The mind is by nature very restless, and one should not make friends with it. If we place full confidence in the mind, it may cheat us at any moment. Even Lord Siva became agitated upon seeing the Mohini form of Lord Krsna, and Saubhari Muni also fell down from the mature stage of yogic perfection.
The first business of one trying to advance in spiritual life is to control the mind and senses. As Sri Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (15.7):
Although the living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and are therefore in a transcendental position, they are still suffering in this material world and struggling for existence due to the mind and the senses. To get out of this false struggle for existence and become happy in the material world, one has to control the mind and senses and be detached from material conditions. One should never neglect austerities and penances; one should always perform them. Lord Rsabhadeva personally showed us how to do this. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.19.17) it is specifically stated:
A grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasi and brahmacari should be very careful when associating with women. One is forbidden to sit down in a solitary place even with ones mother, sister or daughter. In our Krsna consciousness movement it has been very difficult to disassociate ourselves from women in our society, especially in Western countries. We are therefore sometimes criticized, but nonetheless we are trying to give everyone a chance to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and thus advance spiritually. If we stick to the principle of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra offenselessly, then, by the grace of Srila Haridasa Thakura, we may be saved from the allurement of women. However, if we are not very strict in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, we may at any time fall victim to women.
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