evam tato varunim saumyam aindrim ca punas tathanye ca grahah somadayo naksatraih saha jyotis-cakre samabhyudyanti saha va nimlo-canti.
evamin this way; tatahfrom there; varunimto the quarters where Varuna lives; saumyamto the quarters where the moon lives; aindrim caand to the quarters where Indra lives; punahagain; tathaso also; anyethe others; caalso; grahahplanets; soma-adayahheaded by the moon; naksatraihall the stars; sahawith; jyotih-cakrein the celestial sphere; samabhyudyantirise; sahaalong with; vaor; nimlocantiset.
From the residence of Yamaraja the sun travels to Nimlocani, the residence of Varuna, from there to Vibhavari, the residence of the moon-god, and from there again to the residence of Indra. In a similar way, the moon, along with the other stars and planets, becomes visible in the celestial sphere and then sets and again becomes invisible.
In Bhagavad-gita (10.21) Krsna says, naksatranam aham sasi: Of stars I am the moon. This indicates that the moon is similar to the other stars. The Vedic literature informs us that within this universe there is one sun, which is moving. The Western theory that all the luminaries in the sky are different suns is not confirmed in the Vedic literature. Nor can we assume that these luminaries are the suns of other universes, for each universe is covered by various layers of material elements, and therefore although the universes are clustered together, we cannot see from one universe to another. In other words, whatever we see is within this one universe. In each universe there is one Lord Brahma, and there are other demigods on other planets, but there is only one sun.
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