tapo-vanam gate tasmin
pravisto ntah-puram munih
arhitarhanako rajna
sukhasina uvaca tam
tapah-vanamthe forest path where Dhruva Maharaja executed his austerity; gatehaving thus approached; tasminthere; pravistahhaving entered; antah-puramwithin the private house; munihthe great sage Narada; arhitabeing worshiped; arhanakahby respectful behavior; rajnaby the King; sukha-asinahwhen he comfortably sat on his seat; uvacasaid; tamunto him (the King).
After Dhruva entered Madhuvana Forest to execute devotional service, the great sage Narada thought it wise to go to the King to see how he was faring within the palace. When Narada Muni approached, the King received him properly, offering him due obeisances. After being seated comfortably, Narada began to speak.
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