srak tunda asit sruva isa nasayor
idodare camasah karna-randhre
prasitram asye grasane grahas tu te
yac carvanam te bhagavann agni-hotram
srakthe plate for sacrifice; tundeon the tongue; asitthere is; sruvahanother plate for sacrifice; isaO Lord; nasayohof the nostrils; idathe plate for eating; udarein the belly; camasahanother plate for sacrifices; karna-randhrein the holes of the ears; prasitramthe plate called the Brahma plate; asyein the mouth; grasanein the throat; grahahthe plates known as soma plates; tubut; teYour; yatthat which; carvanamchewing; teYour; bhagavanO my Lord; agni-hotramis Your eating through Your sacrificial fire.
O Lord, Your tongue is a plate of sacrifice, Your nostril is another plate of sacrifice, in Your belly is the eating plate of sacrifice, and another plate of sacrifice is the holes of Your ears. In Your mouth is the Brahma plate of sacrifice, Your throat is the plate of sacrifice known as soma, and whatever You chew is known as agni-hotra.
The veda-vadis say that there is nothing more than the Vedas and the performances of sacrifice mentioned in the Vedas. They have recently made a rule in their group to formally observe daily sacrifice; they simply ignite a small fire and offer something whimsically, but they do not strictly follow the sacrificial rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedas. It is understood that by regulation there are different plates of sacrifice required, such as srak, sruva, barhis, catur-hotra, ida, camasa, prasitra, graha and agni-hotra. One cannot achieve the results of sacrifice unless one observes the strict regulations. In this age there is practically no facility for performing sacrifices in strict discipline. Therefore, in this age of Kali there is a stricture regarding such sacrifices: it is explicitly directed that one should perform sankirtana-yajna and nothing more. The incarnation of the Supreme Lord is Yajnesvara, and unless one has respect for the incarnation of the Lord, he cannot perfectly perform sacrifice. In other words, taking shelter of the Lord and rendering service unto Him is the factual performance of all sacrifices, as explained herein. Different plates of sacrifice correspond to the different parts of the body of the Lords incarnation. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Eleventh Canto, it is explicitly directed that one should perform sankirtana-yajna to please the Lords incarnation as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This should be rigidly followed in order to achieve the result of yajna performance.

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