daityo namna trnavartah
kamsa-bhrtyah pranoditah
jaharasinam arbhakam
daityahanother demon; namnaby the name; trnavartahTrnavartasura; kamsa-bhrtyaha servant of Kamsa; pranoditahhaving been induced by him; cakravata-svarupenain the form of a whirlwind; jaharaswept away; asinamthe sitting; arbhakamchild.
While the child was sitting on the ground, a demon named Trnavarta, who was a servant of Kamsas, came there as a whirlwind, at Kamsas instigation, and very easily carried the child away into the air.
Krsnas heaviness was unbearable for the childs mother, but when Trnavartasura came, he immediately carried the child away. This was another demonstration of Krsnas inconceivable energy. When the Trnavarta demon came, Krsna became lighter than the grass so that the demon could carry Him away. This was ananda-cinmaya-rasa, Krsnas blissful, transcendental pleasure.

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