tat-tad-vatsan prthan nitva
tat-tad-gosthe nivesya sah
tat-tad-atmabhavad rajams
tat-tat-sadma pravistavan
tat-tat-vatsanthe calves, which belonged to different cows; prthakseparately; nitvabringing; tat-tat-gostheto their respective cow sheds; nivesyaentering; sahKrsna; tat-tat-atmaas originally different individual souls; abhavatHe expanded Himself in that way; rajanO King Pariksit; tat-tat-sadmatheir respective houses; pravistavanentered (Krsna thus entered everywhere).
O Maharaja Pariksit, Krsna, who had divided Himself as different calves and also as different cowherd boys, entered different cow sheds as the calves and then different homes as different boys.
Krsna had many, many friends, of whom Sridama, Sudama and Subala were prominent. Thus Krsna Himself became Sridama, Sudama and Subala and entered their respective houses with their respective calves.
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