ete yada mat-suhrdos tilapah
krtas tada nasta-sama vrajaukasah
prane gate varsmasu ka nu cinta
prajasavah prana-bhrto hi ye te
etethis Krsna and His associates, the cowherd boys; yadawhen; mat-suhrdohof my brother and sister; tila-apah krtahbecome the last ritualistic ceremonial offering of sesame and water; tadaat that time; nasta-samahwithout life; vraja-okasahall the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana; pranewhen the vital force; gatehas been thrown out of the body; varsmasuas far as the body is concerned; kawhat; nuindeed; cintaconsideration; praja-asavahthose whose love for their children is the same as their love for their own life; prana-bhrtahthose living beings; hiindeed; ye teall the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi.
Aghasura thought: If somehow or other I can make Krsna and His associates serve as the last offering of sesame and water for the departed souls of my brother and sister, then the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, for whom these boys are the life and soul, will automatically die. If there is no life, there is no need for the body; consequently, when their sons are dead, naturally all the inhabitants of Vraja will die.

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