TEXTS 3132
catuh-satam paribarham
gajanam hema-malinam
asvanam ayutam sardham
rathanam ca tri-sat-satam
dasinam sukumarinam
dve sate samalankrte
duhitre devakah pradad
yane duhitr-vatsalah
catuh-satamfour hundred; paribarhamdowry; gajanamof elephants; hema-malinamdecorated with garlands of gold; asvanamof horses; ayutamten thousand; sardhamalong with; rathanamof chariots; caand; tri-sat-satamthree times six hundred (eighteen hundred); dasinamof maidservants; su-kumarinamvery young and beautiful unmarried girls; dvetwo; satehundred; samalankrtefully decorated with ornaments; duhitreunto his daughter; devakahKing Devaka; pradatgave as a gift; yanewhile going away; duhitr-vatsalahwho was very fond of his daughter Devaki.
Devakis father, King Devaka, was very much affectionate to his daughter. Therefore, while she and her husband were leaving home, he gave her a dowry of four hundred elephants nicely decorated with golden garlands. He also gave ten thousand horses, eighteen hundred chariots, and two hundred very beautiful young maidservants, fully decorated with ornaments.
The system of giving a dowry to ones daughter has existed in Vedic civilization for a very long time. Even today, following the same system, a father who has money will give his daughter an opulent dowry. A daughter would never inherit the property of her father, and therefore an affectionate father, during the marriage of his daughter, would give her as much as possible. A dowry, therefore, is never illegal according to the Vedic system. Here, of course, the gift offered as a dowry by Devaka to Devaki was not ordinary. Because Devaka was a king, he gave a dowry quite suitable to his royal position. Even an ordinary man, especially a high-class brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya, is supposed to give his daughter a liberal dowry. Immediately after the marriage, the daughter goes to her husbands house, and it is also a custom for the brother of the bride to accompany his sister and brother-in-law to exhibit affection for her. This system was followed by Kamsa. These are all old customs in the society of varnasrama-dharma, which is now wrongly designated as Hindu. These long-standing customs are nicely described here.

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