Prabhupada: Otherwise he is not my disciple.
Prabhupada: India also, there are selected... Morarji Desai is anxious to see me.
Prabhupada: And the cabinet minister... But they are in prestigious position. They do not come here. They want me to go to them. I could have come, but in this position...
Tamala Krsna: Yeah, and, you know, if your health improves a little, what we may be able to do is to arrange a program in our center in Delhi simply for the selected persons like cabinet ministers, or maybe at one of their homes, and have them invite just the cabinet members and Mr. Desai, and that would be very nice, very high-level meeting. That could be... You know, just like supposing when you go to Bombay, you'll have to stay in Delhi overnight. So on that evening we can make an arrangement like that.
Prabhupada: Or we can stay in Delhi. No fault.
Tamala Krsna: One or two days. Probably you wouldn't be able to speak to all of them 'cause they're not all in the station at once, but even if a few of them came, it would be very good.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: We shall go now?
Prabhupada: Whether you have studied, and his proposal is, some money can be saved. The present management is going on, and if he takes little care... You said up to thirteen thousand?
Aksayananda: Right.
Prabhupada: Can be saved. So why not let him do and let us see practically? If some money is saved, it is very... So you remain as president. How he manages, how he saves, you see. What do you think?
Aksayananda: Yes. First-class.
Prabhupada: So is that all right?
Mr. Myer: Really, the fact is that the excess of expenditure is only (indistinct) thousand. So what... There are two positions we have to take. One is to increase the revenue, and one is also to curb our expenditure. These are two ways.
Prabhupada: What is that? Come here.
Tamala Krsna: He says in order to make that money, you have to do two things. One is decrease the expenses, minimize the expenses, and also maximize collections. Right now...
Prabhupada: Maximize collect... If you increase collection, that money comes, extra.
Mr. Myer: Yes.
Prabhupada: But by decreasing expenditure, you save money. That is real saving.
Mr. Myer: No, (indistinct) rupees is not the savings. At present the excess in expenditure only will come, as it stands now. So we have to find a regular means. It's very possible if some of the...
Tamala Krsna: He's saying that whatever the case is, more money is being spent here than is being made.
Prabhupada: So save it. First of all save it. More money, to increase, that is not difficult for us. We go to beg, "Please give us." We can get.
Aksayananda: So the idea is to save it.
Prabhupada: Real thing is how to save it. In business circle they say, "To earn money is not difficult, but to spend money is difficult." That is intelligence. To earn money is not difficult because we do not earn. Whatever Krsna gives, we take it. But if Krsna's money is not squandered, misspent, that is intelligence. So we have to see first of all present... I know that. So much money is squandered. Just like the other day. To secure one eye glass... It is four annas' worth. We have spent at least twenty rupees. In this way our money is being squandered.
Mr. Myer: Actually, as you said the other day very rightly, what is really important now is to try and make things very common, you know, as Prabhupada says...
Prabhupada: To earn money, to bring money, is not difficult for us, but whatever money is being spent, if we can save money, that is intelligence.
Mr. Myer: Fortunately this is end of the year, so we can make a budget also from the first of this month.
Prabhupada: No, no, whatever it may be, I want to see that, how the money is being saved. So far earning money, I can earn, even sitting here.
Prabhupada: That is not problem.
Tamala Krsna: ...that you're just sitting here in Vrndavana, but every month you're getting ten thousand rupees.
Prabhupada: And if I ask...
Prabhupada: If I ask, I can get more money.
Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore I say... It is practical. To earn money is not difficult, at least for me. But to save money is difficult thing, because that is not in my hand. So let us see how much money we save. Increase the income, that we can do. And there is no problem. I think this is a maxim that "To earn money is not difficult. To save money is difficult." Whatever property we have now made, Krsna has given us. But now, to maintain this, to save this prestigious position, that is difficult. Little mismanagement, there may be so many difficulties. You are a businessman, so he knows very well.
Mr. Myer: Sir, I'm going to sit down with Maharaja and give him a very nice progress in the evening, all the time knowing, day-to-day working, each year...
Prabhupada: No, you can... You can do.
Mr. Myer: I'm sure Maharaja, if he likes it, I will try to develop.
Prabhupada: He'll not interfere.
Prabhupada: Yes. He'll not interfere.
Aksayananda: That should be very nice.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Aksayananda: That's very good.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Aksayananda: He's very experienced.
Prabhupada: Yes. I started this movement with forty rupees. You know that Scindia Steam Navigation Company?
Mr. Myer: Yes.
Prabhupada: So they gave me a free ticket, and the government allowed me to take with me, forty rupees. In this state, condition, I started for New York. You see? No friend, no secre..., no hotel, nothing, arrangement. This was the beginning. Then I went there. So I do not know how it happened. Now we have got forty crores. It is all Krsna's mercy. I never expected that my books will be sold and appreciated all over the world. So that is being done. People are appreciating the whole movement. Even in our country our government, it has come to their notice, cabinet ministers. So my point of view was that in Delhi there is a confectioner's shop. You had been in Delhi?
Mr. Myer: Yes, I will...
Prabhupada: There is a street, Loiya Bazaar. So there is a Punjabi's shop. He makes all preparation, first-class ghee. So whenever I used to pass that area, at least fifty customers are waiting. Somebody wanting something, somebody wanting something. That gave me the impression that if you have goods genuine, customer will come. If your dealing is straightforward and the goods are nice. So, so many religious institution and missionary and other, they are all over the world. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, substantial, genuine, so why this will not be appreciated if we present properly? So I fought on that, and some way or other it is successful.
Mr. Myer: Our new prime minister is now very much appreciating the movement, especially about Prabhupada. He may like to visit. He says he does not want these foreign industries. He wants people to have religious... And he is very big sannyasi himself. That is why he is...
Prabhupada: Who?
Mr. Myer: Morarji Desai. He is very much in favor of the movement that we are carrying on.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Mr. Myer: Because he himself is following the four principles very nicely for fifty years.
Prabhupada: So why does he not do? Let him do it.
Mr. Myer: Due to...
Prabhupada: We can help him in so many ways.
Mr. Myer: But that is his doing. He wants every village like we have planned Hyderabad.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Mr. Myer: He wants every village like that, to be...
Prabhupada: That can be done very easily. It can be done very easily, provided government wants. And we can help. We have to follow simply the Bhagavad-gita. That's all. They are reading Bhagavad-gita, but they do not follow. They manufacture their own interpretation. That is the difficulty. Otherwise the Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of happy life and entrance, matriculation, and then Srimad-Bhagavatam, graduate, and then Caitanya-caritamrta, postgraduate. We are therefore presenting three books. So if we follow, our life is successful. But you don't follow. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya [Bg. 7.14]. Maya is so strong that untruthful things, we take it as truthful. Just like the modern scientists. These rascals, he could not, they cannot, they will never be able to produce life. Still, they are busy: "Yes, we will do. We shall do." The whole world is full of rascals. What they cannot do, what they could not do, what they'll never be able to do... Still, they will persist. This is the difficulty. They have never gone to moon planet, their aeroplane. They cannot go anywhere. You have got plane. They are conditioned. And they are thinking, "We are free." Just like an animal is bound up in a place, and he's going round, here and here. He's thinking the world is round. The world is round. He does not accept that "I am conditioned." They have got now aeroplane, jet plane and so many. Go anywhere. They cannot go. Still, they are proud: "We have measured." This dog's obstinacy of this modern world has killed the whole civilization.
Mr. Myer: This is what Prime Minister's saying, that in India we have more unemployed people although we are attracted to machines. And if we go back to villages and...
Prabhupada: But he says. When he shall do? Says only.
Mr. Myer: Yes.
Prabhupada: Let him do. We are prepared to cooperate with him. We can give him good advice. We are not going to become prime minister. We have no such policy. Neither president. We kick all these. We have no time even. Even they offer, we'll not take. We are not interested in this. But for the welfare of the whole human society we can give them good advice if you like. That is our duty. Actually the legislative assembly should be filled up with men like us, Parliament, to give advice. But all loafer class, bhangis, camaras, they are filling up.
Mr. Myer: All (indistinct).
Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore the disaster came, Indira.
Mr. Myer: Actually it is a big danger. All the people were educated. Here Hanuman Akuso(?). They have made family plan. But all the...
Prabhupada: So why family planning? Because they are rascal. Because in this lower species of life they have no planning. You'll find in the dogs, dozens of dogs, dozens of children. And... So there is no family planning. So how they are being raised? There are many animals. So family planning is different thing, but one thing is that these rascals are misguided. They do not know how to give them... In Bengal there is called siva gotri bango(?). He was ordered to make a doll of Lord Siva, and he made a monkey. You see? They are doing like that. They were to make Lord Siva's doll, but they have a monkey because he does not know. Lokasya ajanatah vidvan cakre satvata-samhitam. Anartha upasamam saksad bhakti-yogam adhoksaje, lokasya ajanatah. The rascals do not know how to make things right. Therefore Vyasadeva has written so nice literature. But they'll not consult. They'll not take Krsna's advice, Vyasadeva's advice, or our advice. They'll manufacture. And instead of preparing doll of Siva, they are making a doll of monkey. This is going on. And when the monkey is made, "Oh, we did not like this for..." Russia said that occasional revolution is required. Because the things which have been made, that is imperfect, therefore you require revolution. The things are being given, but if we take the perfect thing, it will be nice. These rascals will not take. This is the difficulty. So if Morarji Desai is in favor of... He's also recommending family planning. So that means he does not know.
Mr. Myer: In twenty years all people have experienced. Poor, poor children, we'll have to give them(?).
Prabhupada: Why poor children? Bring hundred children, I shall maintain. [break] There are many fathers. They cannot maintain even one child, what to speak of four children.
Prabhupada: They do not marry for being... Or they kill children. They are doing that. Where is the question of "four," "two"? These are all nonsense program. They do not know how to do things. We welcome. Four, nei. Four hundred. Come on. My Guru Maharaja used to say that "I am a brahmacari-sannyasi, but if I can bring Krsna conscious child, I can beget hundred children. I have no objection." And that is... There is no question of four or two. Four hundredif you can make them Krsna conscious. That is the criterion. That is required. But that, they do not know. They'll not be able to maintain properly even one children, one child. That's not possible. But that is the difficulty in In... They do not know the laws of nature, the laws of God, how things are going on, although they are being explained. They'll... There are so many things. They are jumping like monkey. That's all. They... They take photograph for "Gita student," and they do not understand one line, even one line. In the beginning, the Bhagavad-gita is tatha dehantara-praptih: [Bg. 2.13] "This body will change." Do they take it seriously? So what is the use of their reading Bhagavad-gita? Krsna says, tatha dehantara, na hanyate hanyamane [Bg. 2.20]. Do they take seriously, that "I am eternal. I do not die after the annihilation of the body. And the body will change. What I am going to do?" So this is going on, and still, they are... Gandhi is... "He is great student of Bhagavad-gita." He is... "Tilak is a great student." "Dr. Radhakrishnan..." All rascals. All rascals. They do not understand even one line. If they study only one line, they'll be able to bring a great transforming to the... Do you think they do understand this line?
Mr. Myer: Beg your pardon?
Prabhupada: Do you think they... Do they understand these lines? Now, if your...
Mr. Myer: No, that will be change of party. One man is in Congress. One is in (indistinct). Then he goes to Congress. Wherever he can get an office, they are changing party. They are not all thinking of the spirit.
Prabhupada: Therefore...
Mr. Myer: They think anything is possible, anything.(?) Do they not preach when they are congressmen? Tomorrow Congress is going to power. Then Janata comes to power. All the time they are changing, everyone. They just want personal gain at any cost.
Prabhupada: That is why we say the stool, this side and that side... After all, it is stool. Somebody says, "This side is better than that side." Stool is stool when in this side or that side. That is going on. Guer ei pitaro(?). But they are so intelligent, they say, "No, no, this side is better. It has dried up." They are rascals like that. It is stool. It is untouchable. It is... On all side it is bad, but they are thinking, "This side..." This is their intelligence. What can I do? But if they consult us, they'll be benefited. We are not going to be prime minister or this minister, that... We kick out. We want to remain eternal servant of Krsna. That's all. We have no such ambition. So read books. Do things nicely. Serve Krsna. That is perfection of life. The direction is there, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Mr. Myer: Actually it was available in schools. That is all in first programs. But we changed.
Prabhupada: Yes, that...
Mr. Myer: See, a lot of here, they made the school(?).
Prabhupada: Therefore we are opening this gurukula.
Mr. Myer: No, even in the other schools, they must give something about the...
Prabhupada: You say, "They must give," but who takes, "Yes"?
Mr. Myer: In some school...
Aksayananda: That is up to us.
Mr. Myer: ...if we can make some beginning of some sort...
Aksayananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: So you show by example. Bring these brahmacaris. Teach them, and gradually... Just like our organization not all of a sudden has become so big. I was... For more than one year I was simply loitering on the street of New York like a vagabond. Who was hearing me? Still, I am going once in a month to the ship company that "When your next ship is coming to go to India?" So the manager: "Swamiji, you are coming. When you are going away?" I said, "Yes, I have no business practically here. But still, I want to stay and see if things can be pushed." Therefore I am writing. Otherwise I am useless. I am simply loitering and seeing the Fifth Avenue and the... And within the subway station, after taking my lunch I used to go by bus here and there, in the subway, anywhere go, it stops. No shelter. I was cooking, myself, in a friend's house. So he took it as a free cook he has got. And two men, of course, we... Sometimes some guest would... And I would be very glad. And ten, twenty, I'll feed them. And they would like very much dal, capati, and one vegetable. First-class... Everyone would like. That was going on, dal, capati, and one vegetable. I'll take pleasure. Sometimes somebody would come to assist me. He wanted to eat immediately. And "No, that you cannot. After I have finished, when it is offered to Krsna, then I'll give you sumptuous prasadam, not before." So there was no... And little rice. Dal, capati, rice, vegetable, bas. Oh, it was so nice. Everyone would praise. The same thing, when I took my own apartment I did the same thing, distributed prasadam. Then, gradually, they came forward to assist me. First came Kirtanananda. He is the first cook. Then Acyutananda. Brahmananda was washing dish. He could not help the cooking.
Prabhupada: Yes. He liked that. (laughter) He liked that.
Prabhupada: Gargamuni did not join in the beginning. He was watching his brother. He was, rather, little critical. Gargamuni came first, er, yeah...
Prabhupada: Brahmananda. Then our Satsvarupa, then Jadurani. In this way, gradually increased. And Kirtanananda was very expert in learning. He learned how to make puri, kacuri, samosa, sweet ball. We were having very nice feast every Sunday. On Saturday night we would prepare so many things and stocked it. And Sunday, distributing... People would take: "Oh, so..." At least in that time seventy, eighty guests were coming. And they were very happy.
Prabhupada: Oh, yes, food.
Prabhupada: No. I was eating also, not necessarily with them. I was seeing that they are...
Prabhupada: Yes. Acyutananda was also doing very nice.
Prabhupada: Yes. Acyutananda, Satsvarupa, Kirtanananda, these three persons would, on my direction, "Do like this. Do like this..."
Prabhupada: Hm. And stocked at night.
Tamala Krsna: And Brahmananda was eating. (laughter)
Prabhupada: In the very beginning, when I was simply alone, Rayarama, he was there. He was helping me, cooking, washing dishes, carrying my luggage, everything. Very good boy.
Prabhupada: Hayagriva was eating also. (laughter) And he was typing. He's a very good typist. He'll type very swiftly and correctly. Then I started this Back to Godhead, Hayagriva and Rayarama, editors. And I purchased two machines. What is that?
Prabhupada: There was advertisement. So I went to Long Island. That two machines... I asked, "What is the price?" "$150 each." Then he wanted to take away the machines. Machine was all right. And then I told him that "I have got $150 only. If you want to give us, give those two machines." So "All right, you take these all." (laughter) So I gave him $150, whatever I had, and I took the machine. In that machine was printed Back to Godhead. So five hundred copies... How many copies you were selling?
Tamala Krsna: Well, by the time we were selling, you were printing about three thousand, and we were selling twenty-five hundred.
Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Then I asked Brahmananda that "Why not print it nicely?" So he said that "Unless we print twenty thousand, nobody will take this work." And "All right, order twenty thousand." Now, from twenty thousand or five hundred, what is the quantity now we are printing?
Prabhupada: And so beautiful printing, picture and... The beginning was three hundred, and Gargamuni, he took away somebody's hand cart.
Prabhupada: It was on the street.
Prabhupada: And he was putting the magazines on the hand cart, selling near cinema and other crowded places. That is very good... So it was a hard struggle in the beginning.
Mr. Myer: The article of this, especially with the head of London Times and other people, they're very good. Lots of people asking all sorts of questions about them.
Prabhupada: No, our Bengali... Bhagavaner-katha, they have been very much appreciated. How many they'll sell?
Prabhupada: Just see.
Bhakti-caru: And one of them, here. First issue was ten thousand. The second issue was twenty thousand. Third issue was thirty thousand. And first and second was sold out in three weeks.
Prabhupada: And we have got many appreciator.
Mr. Myer: It is a conscious reminder, month after month. Each time a new issue comes...
Prabhupada: That requires management. That requires management, how...
Mr. Myer: Once one takes up a certain life...
Prabhupada: ...to set up things, how to come...
Mr. Myer: ...even one is slipping...
Prabhupada: So do nicely. And as far as our capacity is there, krsnarthe akhila-cestah. Pranair arthair dhiya vaca sreya-acaranam sada. Janma-saphalyam... Etavaj janma-saphalyam. Do it. Do this. Pranair arthair dhiya vaca sreya-acaranam. This is..., should be... This should be the motto, how we engage our life, our money, our intelligence, our words, to improve Krsna consciousness. That is success. Varnasrama-vibhagasah samsiddhir hari-tosanam [SB 1.2.13]. What is that verse, beginning?
Prabhupada: Eh?
Aksayananda: Varnasrama-vibhagasah.
Prabhupada: Samsiddhir hari-tosanam [SB 1.2.13]. That is required. You... How do you know Morarji is interested in...?
Mr. Myer: Well, all the government bosses now, they have defined that "We don't want any big industry." They want all the people in villages. They don't want to use fertilizer.
Prabhupada: Yes, this is our...
Mr. Myer: They want to use compost.
Prabhupada: This is our...
Mr. Myer: That is what has been in Ahmedabad. I spent one night with Mahamsa Swami, and they are also digging up the pits. They are making their own fertilizer. Everything is... That's... You see, that's a policy of Ram Mandir's(?) because they want to create more jobs. The village must become very...
Prabhupada: Let government help us. If they do not help us even with some men to stay here... Indians are not joining. But they are willingly joining, sacrificing everything.
Mr. Myer: No, but it is worked down now. You see, what it is people were not moved so much. I think...
Prabhupada: And I want simply some of them to stay, not money. Money they are bringing. Whatever money we are spending here, Bombay, they are bringing. They are... I am writing books. They are selling books. I am working them always: "Make double. Make double." And they are bringing money. So we'll not touch even India's money a farthing. Let them stay here. "No, that is not... Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out." That's all.
Mr. Myer: Yes, the posts will change now because it is very good man over here, new business in America and on the Prime Minister.
Prabhupada: And "Get out. Get out."
Mr. Myer: This "Get out..."
Prabhupada: And "Get out" means another ten thousand rupees. He has to go out, again come back.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: How much harassment.
Prabhupada: The government is not helping me even in this way. What they'll do? And...
Mr. Myer: Because Indira Gandhi had very bad relations with America. This is the problem. And she was trying to make very bad propaganda about the ISKCON in India.
Prabhupada: Accha?
Mr. Myer: Now she is gone, so everything is fine.
Prabhupada: She was making propaganda? I...
Mr. Myer: She was trying to say that this ISKCON is cheat.
Prabhupada: Oh, yes.
Mr. Myer: They said that "This is... CIA people are here and then is happening. That is happening." That is why some of the Indians, you know, in the beginning, nobody has gone deep. You see, nobody...
Prabhupada: Yes.
Mr. Myer: ...has tried to study the whole thing.
Prabhupada: She was very...
Mr. Myer: That is why she has had a very bad time.
Prabhupada: ...biased against the Americans.
Mr. Myer: She has got very bad time now. She has already paid for that. So she will be in jail very shortly, her son and both, her son and... Even her chief minister in Madras, all her people are going to go in jail now, all of them. All the... Everybody involved in her ministry.
Prabhupada: His son should be hanged.
Mr. Myer: So many (indistinct). Morarji Desai was in jail for nineteen months.
Prabhupada: Just see.
Mr. Myer: Every day he was reading the Gita, and he was doing the spinning wheel. Nineteen months he was doing. He's also eighty years old.
Prabhupada: Yes, he is of my age, my...
Mr. Myer: Yes. He is guru's age.
Prabhupada: Eighty, eighty-two.
Mr. Myer: Now is a very good time for ISKCON because this new government, all their policies is what ISKCON is already doing.
Prabhupada: No, it can be successful, provided they do it nicely. It can be successful very easily, especially in India. That one line of Bhagavad-gita, krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava-jam [Bg. 18.44]. We have to take this. Satyam samo damas... There is catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma... [Bg. 4.13]. If they follow this program, everything will be... The face of the world will... Everything. Annad bhavanti parjanyah. Eh? Annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah. Eh? Parjanyad...
Prabhupada: Ah, yajnad bhavati parjanyo yajnah karma-samudbhavah [Bg. 3.14]. Yajnarthe karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah [Bg. 3.9]. All prescription of material life, spiritual life, social life, political life, religious life, artistic lifeBhagavad-gita is full of knowledge. At least in India there must be an institution that is strictly following the principles of Bhagavad-gita. This is my institution. We don't want anything more, other help. We simply request them that "Give some of our men permanent residentship. We shall guide it(?)." That they'll institute...(?) What help... What is the harm? Have we got...
Mr. Myer: It is abominable. If they help ISKCON, then there are all the churches in India. They'll want to plead...
Prabhupada: Then it is not helping ISKCON.
Mr. Myer: No, you see, they're...
Prabhupada: It is not helping ISKCON.
Prabhupada: There is no question of support. It is etiquette.
Mr. Myer: It is etiquette now.
Aksayananda: Etiquette.
Prabhupada: American is giving. I am permanent resident of America. If they are giving Indians permanent resident for some business, why not Americans?
Mr. Myer: Well, that is because Indira... She was prime minister, you see. She was very bad...
Prabhupada: So that is gone.
Mr. Myer: They have all exploded that wall, you see. That's what, how the government... So people said that... They're giving money for vague and, which is, at the time, I think... Now I think they have met recently in England. So there is some programs in India. Even Terawal(?) now... Everywhere there is some... After Morarji Desai has taken over, our relations are improving with all the countries.
Prabhupada: That is expected. He's a good man. But...
Mr. Myer: And people have got very happy for his personal life. He's gets up in the morning and does the spinning, and he's dedicated... He's not even taking medicines or any type of... Very, very strict. He does not wear any cloth which he is not spinning. I don't know how he finds the time, but he is doing so many things. The people are amazed at his... It is very fortunate that he has come now. I think certainly they will all adopt some special... Because people has to come. Once they see the gurukula and Bhaktivedanta Institute coming up... Whoever's not in the gurukula, we're going to post there also... So you don't work the modern language. It is a university also. Perfectly represent special...
Prabhupada: No, our books are more than university standard. If they simply can study our book, it is more than the course he was given. Tan manye adhitam uttamam. All right.
Aksayananda: All glories to Srila Prabhupada. [break]
Prabhupada: ...of first grade, one hour there. That doesn't mean necessarily life is shorter. (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/jul/with_mr_myer/vrndavana/july/02/1977 Previous: Bhu-mandala Diagram Discussion -- July 2, 1977, Vrndavana Next: Bhu-mandala Discussion -- July 3, 1977, Vrndavana