Morning Conversation

April 11, 1977, Bombay
Prabhupada: ...the planes. It was kept checked by these rascal leaders. Dr. Radhakrishnan, Aurobindo, this, that, nonsense, interpreting in a different way, Gandhi. It could not distribute its brilliance. Now it is being distributed to show the brilliance and the knowledge first of all. Is it not?
Tamala Krsna: It's very much being distributed now, and everyone is appreciating.
Prabhupada: I am confident this will go on, provided our men are following the process which I have given to them, following the rules and regulations, chanting. Books they have got sufficient already. Simply have to repeat. You haven't got to manufacture. Any fool you are. Nobody can...
Tamala Krsna: Imagine if you would have had one, that one crore of rupees from that Tirupati, Tirumali, every month they have that money available.
Prabhupada: Hm? You want to speak?
Upendra: Cannot imagine.
Tamala Krsna: That's one and a half million dollars nearly, per month.
Prabhupada: Money will come. We don't care for these rascals checking. But we must be very sincere. Money is coming, it will come. Krsna has given us avenue, these books. We shall sell all over the world huge quantity of books. But they should give us this money, this Tirumala. They are creating anartha, situation which has no utility.
Tamala Krsna: And they are doing it with the money which was given in good faith to Krsna. That's very objectionable.
Prabhupada: No, objectionable... The raksasas... Just like Krsna was there within the womb of Devaki. Kamsa imprisoned. So the brilliance of the body of Devaki could not be seen by others, because imprisoned. So if Krsna comes from the womb of Devaki, and He will come, similarly if by your endeavor Krsna comes in this movement, then these Kamsas will be destroyed. He will kill. That day will come when we shall take all the political posts. That is Krsna's mission. That is battle of Kuruksetra. "Take it from Duryodhana. Give it to Yudhisthira, Arjuna." If you go on steadily, that will be... And all these demons, Kamsa, Bakasura, Aghasura, sakala incarnations, swamis, yogis... They are Aghasura and Bakasura. Just like Krsna had to kill so many asuras, disturbing element. You become under some Aghasura.
Upendra: Some what?
Tamala Krsna: You became under some Aghasura.
Upendra: Under...? Yes, my own Aghasura.
Prabhupada: Did you go to the camp of that Bhajan?
Upendra: No, I didn't go to any other camp.
Prabhupada: Why you had pagari like Yogi Bhajan?
Upendra: Oh. My habit is always to...
Prabhupada: Imitate.
Tamala Krsna: That man is such a bluffer.
Prabhupada: Everyone bluffer. The transcendental meditation.
Tamala Krsna: We are going to meet a lot of them. They were telling me yesterday, some of Gargamuni's men had been in Kashmir and Srinagar. They said that now is the time coming up, all of the big movie stars, everybody goes to Srinagar, very popular. Most popular resort place in all of India.
Prabhupada: Our this philosophy will not appeal to these rascals.
Tamala Krsna: No, I was thinking that also.
Prabhupada: They want to be bluffed.
Tamala Krsna: I was thinking that if we were to open a center there...
Prabhupada: No, we will go on opening our centers.
Tamala Krsna: But we cannot... I mean, we will attract those who are sincere. That's what I was thinking. We cannot change our philosophy simply for followers or money.
Prabhupada: Just like we invited that Lata, and he was living like that.
Tamala Krsna: Who Srila Prabhupada?
Prabhupada: Giriraja.
Tamala Krsna: Invited that...
Prabhupada: Lata Mangeskar.
Tamala Krsna: Oh, Lata Mangeskar.
Prabhupada: He should not do that.
Tamala Krsna: We shouldn't have done it, no.
Prabhupada: What people will think? Keep yourself pure, spotless. (pause) We shall go to the Bulaya(?).
Upendra: Yes, first thing.
Prabhupada: This rascal, D.N.K.(?)
Tamala Krsna: Communist party.
Prabhupada: What is this "Distressed Nanda"?
Tamala Krsna: (reading newspaper) "Distressed Nanda could come... Mr. Gujarilal Nanda, former home minister and acting prime minister, has resigned from the Congress after his close association with the party for fifty-six years. But he has let it be known that he is not joining any other party. His resignation is a protest against the failure of the Congress leaders to learn the bitter lesson of the recent chain of events. 'The growing dissensions and acute hostilities among warring factions have given me a severe jolt,' he says in a statement. 'I can see no prospect of abatement of these unseemly encounters and any effective role for myself.' Mr. Nanda, who is seventy-six, says that 'The Gandhian modes and principles are as relevant and valid for the future of the country as they were in the past, and this is the path for me.' Mr. Nanda released the text of three letters he wrote to Mrs. Indira Gandhi on June 27th, July 19th, 1975, and January 21, 1976. In his first letter Mr. Nanda said, 'I have been greatly troubled by the developments during recent weeks. What is happening now must cause deep concern to everyone in the country. I do not comprehend the full import of the measures that have been taken during the last two days, and the consequences they may bring in their train.' On January 21st, 1976, he wrote to Mrs. Gandhi, 'The present circumstances call for some new initiative. The people would expect this to come again from you, considering the position of vantage and eminence which you have occupied. It is your responsibility to guard the vital interests of the nation. On this account, there is room for necessary precautions and exercise of special powers in certain specific fields.' "
Prabhupada: What is that picture?
Tamala Krsna: (reading) "Handicapped though, these foursome make a cheerful group as they paddle along on three wheelers every day from their homes in the King George Memorial Infirmary on Jagtap Marga, Maha-Lakshmi." Some invalids. "Mr. Jaya Prakash Narayan in a statement on Sunday came out strongly against the attempts of some people to lobby through him for personal favors and advancements from the Janata party government center." He doesn't like it. Everyone is going to him now. (pause) "The aim and object of the 42nd constitutional amendment was stated to be to establish the supremacy of the legislature, but in fact it was designed to establish the absolute authority of the executive as personified by the Prime Minister, according to Mr. C. K. Dapteri, former attorney general of India. Mr. Dapteri said, 'Everyone knows that misuse to which the power of preventative detention has been put in the last eighteen months. It is not necessary to recall or relay instances. But the power itself is so easily capable of being put to wrong use that it is unsafe to leave it in the hands of the executive government.' "
Prabhupada: This will be amended now.
Tamala Krsna: "Explaining one of the main objects of the 43rd amendment, he said that the articles... He said that the 43rd constitution amendment bill was significant in that it sought to remedy the excesses permitted by the previous ministry. He said that the article 31d of the 42nd amendment which provided the power in the legislature to make laws for the prevention and prohibition of antinational activities remained, and the previous ministry continued. There is no doubt that laws would have been passed in regard to illegal national activities. It was apprehended with reason that those laws would provide for preventative detention among other things as a remedy. It says there was no need for introducing article 31d unless it was to enlarge the field of preventative detention and enforcing it. Since there was enough laws already on the statue books which dealt with activities specifically detailed in article 31d and by trial in the ordinary manner." (pause)
Prabhupada: She has misused the power, and nobody was to check. It is very dangerous constitution.
Tamala Krsna: (reading:) "Educated people lack basic values. The question whether formal education has a corrupting influence on the minds of children, particularly the illiterate tribals and villagers, was raised by Dr. D. Y. Goharkar, vice chancellor of Nagpur University at the three-day conference of the third Vidarbha Teachers Educators' Meet, which concluded here last week in Candrapur. Inaugurating the conference, Dr. Goharkar observed that some of the basic values of life such as honesty and trustworthiness were conspicuously lacking in the so-called educated communities in general. He urged educationists and researchers to look into this question and suggest remedies."
Prabhupada: That means the rascals, they do not see it, that godlessness, godless education will be like that. The teachers who are suggesting, they are themselves blind, and they are leading. They do not know what is the defect. You can write to them, that "You are leaders, you do not know what is the cause. This is the cause. Harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-guna manorathenasati dhavato bahih [SB 5.18.12]. Without God consciousness, there cannot be any education. There cannot be any good qualities. You do not know this. Simply you are crying in the wilderness. You yourself do not know. All the education, its propaganda is how to make the world godless, although the most scientific knowledge of God is there in the Bhagavad-gita." Write him. Give him a slap, that "You do not know." Introduce our Krsna consciousness books in the educational department. "Yato mata tato patha. Transcendental meditation. God has given you senses. Why you should not enjoy?" This is his...
Tamala Krsna: "Electronics complex for women entrepreneurs is being set up in Tamil Nadu."
Prabhupada: Hm?
Tamala Krsna: He said the object of the scheme was to attract women entrepreneurs by providing them special...
Prabhupada: Entrepreneurs?
Tamala Krsna: Business people. "Mr. Raja Gopalan said that the scheme would soon be advertised for attracting women by providing them special intrastructural facilities to operate as a closely knit unit."
Prabhupada: Abortion. What is that abortion?
Tamala Krsna: It's not abortion, but some kind of opportunity for women to do business together.
Prabhupada: The same, sense enjoyment, maithuna. All these rogues and thieves and boka.
Tamala Krsna: (reading:) "Hoxar pleads for healthy land-man relationship. Mr. P. N. Hoxar, deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, yesterday pleaded for developing a healthy and rational land-man relationship as the foundation to build the socio-economic superstructure. Unless such relationship is developed through proper land reforms, it is useless to talk about science and technology in employment-oriented planning, he added. Eighty percent of the people live in the villages and till the land which they do not own. The holdings were fragmented and the tenant was uncertain. They were burdened with debt to such an extent that they could not pay them back and fell into bondage of one sort or another."
Prabhupada: Another rascal.
Tamala Krsna: "He said that industry must rest on a secure foundation and a healthy land-man relationship. It cannot rest where man owns thousands of acres of land and villages, but stays in Calcutta or Patna and is only interested in collecting money."
Prabhupada: That I say always. Hm.
Prabhupada: We have already seen the defect.
Tamala Krsna: (reading:) "Baboons imported for FP vaccine trials. Twenty-five baboons have been specifically imported from Africa for crucial experiments with the birth control vaccine developed three years ago at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences. The five male and twenty female baboons which came two months ago are kept in the institute's animal house for use in trials before the vaccine could be cleared for use on women." About anti-pregnancy vaccine. "The baboons will be used in the experiments to find out if the sterility induced by the vaccine is reversible and whether the baby baboons, born after such reversal, are normal both mentally and physically."
Prabhupada: Abnormal. (laughs)
Tamala Krsna: "Upset in Fiji. The Fijian government formed by the National Federation Party, which draws its support mainly from the people of Indian origin, will have to tread warily if it is to avert racial tension in the islands. It was by no means easy, even for the multiracial alliance party which hitherto ruled the South Pacific republic, to maintain harmony between the people of Indian origin who form fifty-one percent of the population, and the indigenous Melanesians. Its leader and the former Prime Minister Ratu Sir Pamish Nara had to strain every nerve to keep the extremist Melanesians in check."
Prabhupada: The Prime Minister is lightie?
Upendra: Yes. He is very educated. He is half. All the ministers are, those natives are light-skinned. They are from a particular island group, mixed. They are very intelligent and polite. The other natives are darker and more extremists. But this extremist agitation is, they say, is instigated by the Europeans, who keep the Indians and natives apart, because the natives have all the land, and this is what the Europeans are interested in. So they instigate it.
Prabhupada: These rascals, wherever they go, they create trouble.
Tamala Krsna: (reading:) "Why she was silent." This is from the Readers View column. "In the farewell talk she gave to the outgoing Communist Party members of Parliament, Mrs. Indira Gandhi is reported to have told them that she was to blame for the rout, but she does not mention what is common talk among people everywhere, and especially among the village folk: her connivance at the build-up of her son Sanjay Gandhi as the probable future prime minister of India. Mrs. Indira Gandhi's refusal throughout the last two years to face the facts about her son's inordinate ambitions has shocked most of her admirers. Could she not see that this get-rich-quick son of a mother who swore by Garibihato, as the person running the maruti,(?) was playing ducks and drakes with money taken in advance from motor agents for a people's car which has still to come on the road? Was she unaware that he was put next to the late president of India on the flagship of the Indian navy at the naval parade, though he has no position in the government of our country? And is it possible that she did not know of his interference from her own house in the exercise of executive authority in many matters of appointments? Did she not see newspaper reports of vast gatherings often paid for and brought to the pandals by her chief ministers to provide an audience and popular build-up for the Raj Kumar, as he came to be called? Those of us who knew her father are sanguined that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru could never have allowed himself to entertain a dynastic order."
Prabhupada: He wanted.
Tamala Krsna: (reading) "When Mrs. Gandhi was elected president of the Congress we recall that her father first disapproved of the proposal made by S. K. Patila at a Bombay meeting. She also knows that she was elected to the high office of Prime Minister and not imposed from the top, as Sanjay Gandhi was sought to be imposed by the gestures eloquent enough for all the sundry to understand. We hope that she will accept her Himalayan blunders in the spirit of Gandhiji and she might persuade herself to retire to Vinod Bhave's asrama and brood long enough to (indistinct) prior power to be (indistinct) to everybody."
Prabhupada: [break] ...now by Krsna's mercy only she is finished. Yes. Wonderfully finished. Without Krsna's hand, it was impossible. We never expected. Samula-chanta.(?) There is one word, samula-chanta. Just like you cut one tree, this is one, but the root remains there: again the tree. Samula-chanta means to get out the root, pluck out the tree with the root and throw it. So this woman has been done like that.
Tamala Krsna: She's been plucked out at the root. So she won't grow again.
Prabhupada: Rather, if she remains in the Congress, Congress is finished.
Tamala Krsna: She is trying to remain, it seems.
Prabhupada: That is... Then Congress will lose all importance. Her very name has to be driven out. And it is proved that majority of the congressmen, they are rogues. They supported her. I have...
Tamala Krsna: Anyone that is in power too long... There's a saying, "Power corrupts." Anyone who becomes too long in power becomes corrupted. That's why change is required. In America they have mandatory that the president can only hold for two terms position. Then he cannot again run.
Prabhupada: Now so many charges are coming against her. (pause) Hm? She and her son are the destiny of India? A woman and a debauch? They can do whatever they like. It's a farce condition. That so-called democracy is nonsense demoncracy. And by this demoncracy, it can be done. A demon may be, if he can simply secure votes. What is the position? Without any training Formerly the destiny was by rajarsi. Royal power, but rsi, saintly person. See the character of Maharaja Yudhisthira, Pariksit, Ambarisa. (aside:) At least, you cover some way or other with some cloth. Find out some cloth or towel, and cover it. Yes. All rogues, they are political leaders. Political leader means rogue. Nowadays, these... Here is so-called religious leader, Sai Baba, another rogue. This is Kali-yuga. (Hindi) There is no good man politician. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagyah [SB 1.1.10]. Sumanda-matayah. They have got a conception which is very, very bad, conception of religion, social, political. All condemned.
Bhakti-caru: (reading:) "In the affairs, the leader's duty, why was she silent?"
Tamala Krsna: I read that to you, this morning.
Prabhupada: Oh, read it again.
Bhakti-caru: Lecha Mukhara Danin(?)she was quite a famous authorwrote that article.
Prabhupada: Oh, another Punjabi like...
Bhakti-caru: "So in the favorite talk she gave to the outgoing Congress party members of Parliament..."
Prabhupada: Hm, come near.
Tamala Krsna: Sit over here.
Bhakti-caru: (reads newspaper) "The farewell talk she gave to the outgoing Congress party members of Parliament, Mrs. Indira Gandhi was reported to have told that she was to blame for the rout. (Times of India, March 29th, 30th) She seems to have accepted her failure to assess her injury cause to the sentiments and feelings of the masses in the area where many excesses were committed during the emergency. And a failure of the Congress organization to fine against (indistinct) during the emergency and before. But she does not mention what is common talk amongst people everywhere, and especially among the village folk. Her connivance at the buildup of her son Sanjay Gandhi as the probable future prime minister of India...."
Prabhupada: Probable?
Tamala Krsna: Future prime minister.
Prabhupada: That everyone will say.
Bhakti-caru: [break] "And is it possible that she did not know of his interference from her own house in exercise of executive authority in many matters appointments? Did she not see newspaper reports of vast gatherings often paid for and brought to her family by her chief minister to provide an audience and popular build-up for the Raj Kumar, as he came to be called. Those of us who knew her father are sanguined at Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru could never have allowed himself to entertain a dynastic order. When Mrs. Gandhi was elected president of the Congress, we recall that her father first disapproved of the proposal made by S. K. Patila at a Bombay meeting." [break]
Prabhupada: ...is to bring her in limelight again, Indira.
Tamala Krsna: Now it's purposely there. Actually, that's a fact. It seems like now they are purposely not...
Prabhupada: Mentioned.
Tamala Krsna: ...mentioned. Out of sight, out of mind. [break]
Prabhupada: ...release her on account of mercy of Anandamaya(?).
Tamala Krsna: Really. She was thinking like that.
Prabhupada: And this is also mercy of Anandamaya(?). Some young yogis she was keeping?
Tamala Krsna: Yes, there was one who was coming to America who seemed that to have been very intimate with her. He was able to call her on the telephone. She would come to the telephone. He helped us, though, in our court case. Adi-kesava warned him. Because he was sometimes meeting all these women. Many women were coming to see him in New York. Many fashionable wealthy people. So Adi-kesava Maharaja warned him that "If you associate with these women, you will fall down." He liked Adi-kesava very much and helped him, because he could see that he was strict sannyasi. [break]
Prabhupada: At this time, in other parts of India it is very hot.
Tamala Krsna: April, very hot. Actually, I'm pretty...
Prabhupada: Except in Calcutta.
Tamala Krsna: Really? Calcutta was quite hot when we were there. Remember coming from Mayapura?
Prabhupada: Hm.
Tamala Krsna: But it's cool.
Prabhupada: Calcutta and Bengal has got a facility. Every evening there is a small shower of rain. That keeps the temperature mild. During this April-May, you will find every evening there is a thunderstorm and little shower. That is in Bengal's special... A good wind will come. Sometimes it is cyclonic. And immediately the whole atmosphere will be reduced temperature. Sometimes in U.P. also.
Tamala Krsna: Another advantage of these months is that the mango starts to come into season.
Prabhupada: Hm. In Bombay mango is the first-class.
Tamala Krsna: But you are leaving Bombay.
Prabhupada: Doesn't matter. I am not after eating. There is no scarcity of mango, but who will eat?
Tamala Krsna: From Bombay, mango is sent everywhere in India also.
Prabhupada: All over the world. Bombay apus.(?)
Tamala Krsna: They are called langar?
Prabhupada: Apus. Here in the Lucknagiri District, especially in that place, this mango grows. In India it is known as Bombay am. In India, in Northern India, there is, there are so many mangoes, very nice. One is langara, another is a small. I forget the name. That is also very nice.
Tamala Krsna: What about Alphonso?
Prabhupada: Alphonso and apus, the same. Indians, they cannot say Alphonso. They say apus. (laughs) The big name Alphonso they have made short-cut, apus. So you can work together with your friend here. He will make fair copy and make translation.
Tamala Krsna: While we are here, he can sit here with Gopinatha?
Prabhupada: Hm.
Tamala Krsna: So while we are still here, he can come here in the daytime for working with me. Prabhupada said. And even when we're traveling, after you get your copy corrected, you can send it to him, and he'll write out a fair copy and then send it for printing. Plus he can do his own translating work also. That'll be good. Otherwise Gopinatha would be slowed down if he had to write everything once again.
Prabhupada: He is doing nicely. He has got control over language.
Tamala Krsna: One advantage I see also is that because he's been to the West, he is not so enamored...
Prabhupada: Hm?
Tamala Krsna: Because he has already been to the West, his mind is not so much agitated with thinking to get something from this movement.
Prabhupada: No.
Tamala Krsna: Sometimes that is a problem here in India.
Prabhupada: Both of them.
Tamala Krsna: Have you met his friend yet? That Sarvabhavana? He is very nice, also. Sarvabhavana brought Gopinatha to the movement. They were friends in Germany.
Prabhupada: They both of them know English very nicely. Now some Bengali literature should come out. Hindi, Bengali, English, any, sufficient for the time being. Gujarati.
Tamala Krsna: But no one from the Bengali side is as expert and hard-working in this matter as Gopala Krsna is here. That's one point. Pancaratna is a good man, but I mean he himself doesn't speak the language. So I feel that Gopala will get more done in Hindi than they can get done in Bengali because...
Prabhupada: No, Bengali he's useless.(?) After finishing (indistinct) we will simply print. That's all. When the task is finished printing, Gopala can print.
Tamala Krsna: That's my thought. He should do the printing of all the books.
Prabhupada: And he will do that. He'll do that.
Tamala Krsna: He is expert businessman. And one good thing is that because this Sarvabhavana is here, so Gopala...
Prabhupada: He can read the proof.
Tamala Krsna: Proofing. Simply they have to find a good press who can do the work.
Prabhupada: Press, Usha Press is nice.
Tamala Krsna: Can they do Bengali work?
Prabhupada: Any work he'll do.
Tamala Krsna: Offset printing.
Prabhupada: Hm.
Tamala Krsna: Their letter said they don't have here Bengali type.
Prabhupada: Type printing is now abolished.
Tamala Krsna: So the composition can be done in Bengal and then it can be sent here for printing by offset.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: That's nice. And that boy... What is that boy's name in Mayapura, the one who was in England? He can read the proof.
Prabhupada: Subhaga.
Prabhupada: You can reach by mail.
Tamala Krsna: Now with these books coming out, I think it is only a matter of time until we get many, many people joining us.
Prabhupada: And respectable position. The more we publish books, we become respected.
Tamala Krsna: This was practically the only criticism I ever heard against us was that "Why your books they are all in English? We don't speak English." Just like Bajaj. Whenever I used to see him, he always used to say, "Oh, it is very nice, but..." And he would only speak to me in Hindi. He knew I could not properly understand, but he's such a Hindu, pro-Hindu, that he would speak to me in Hindi.
Prabhupada: Then...
Tamala Krsna: And he wanted our books in Hindi, so now they are coming. [break]
Prabhupada: ...so much money, is it possible?
Tamala Krsna: No. No ordinary man could have ever done it.
Prabhupada: In the history it is unique. Crores of rupees' property, and all over the world, buildings, temples. It is all Krsna's. Nobody can harm them. It is not for me. There is no history. In one, ten years only, books like this, which are being received with so much adoration. They are simply Krsna. If I want to take credit personally, this is wrong, sir. So money does not come in that way unless Krsna gives. Janmaisvarya-sruta-sribhih [SB 1.8.26]. If Krsna wants, He can give the whole world. My father used to say, "God has got ten hands. If He wants to take away from you, with two hands how much you will protest? And when He wants to give you with ten hands, with two hands how much you will take it?" That's a common... But people are after money. [break]
Upendra: ... garlands. They should be taken down.
Prabhupada: They are not changing?
Upendra: He has stopped bringing flowers.
Tamala Krsna: Later he will bring. I told him. These should be probably taken down after one day. They get brown.
Prabhupada: These can be distributed to the devotees. Today I have explained the Bhagavata, pranamanaya:(?) how this bodily concept of life is dangerous. These things they do not know. Leaders, big, big papers, big, big propaganda. What is the purpose of life and how dangerous this civilization is, bodily concept of life, they do not know. Bhagavad-gita begins when they understand that "You are not this body." The whole subject matter is on that soul, the whole Bhagavad-gita. Bhojendra-gehe 'gni-sikheva ruddha, sarasvati jnana-khale yatha sati. I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up. Jnana-khalesu. Jnana-khala means envious. You have got some knowledge, but you are envious. You don't want to distribute to anyone. They are called jnana-khala.
Tamala Krsna: Jnana-khala. One who keeps knowledge to himself.
Prabhupada: Monopoly. They are called jnana-khala. But real jnani means if you have got some knowledge, you should daily distribute it.
Tamala Krsna: Sravanam kirtanam.
Prabhupada: No, any knowledge. Just like modern scientists, they do. When they discover something, they give it. Go from university to university. Whatever... They may be wrong. They want to give it. That is the way. In India such vast knowledge, it is kept for professional Bhagavata readers. How much harm they have done! Some professional Bhagavata readers, it is their profession. And they will gather some woman and talk of rasa-lila and Bhagavata reading. Some lady, old men, some woman, they will gather and sit down with their grammar,(?) karma-kanda. So that his material position will be better off. And the reciter will gather so many dozens of (indistinct) and umbrella and cloth, and take it away and sell it in the market, and employ it for his son's marriage, daughter's marriage. And this is called Bhagavata. This is going on.
Tamala Krsna: Is there some verse in the Bhagavatam which states that the Bhagavatam reciter must be a very qualified person?
Prabhupada: Yes. Svarupa Damodara said, "You read Bhagavata from a person who's life is Bhagavata." Bhagavata pada giya bhagavata sthane.(?) In Radha-Damodara temple one brahmana was reading Bhagavatam daily as a meeting.(?) For half an hour. And half a dozen woman would sit down. [break]
Tamala Krsna: "...we will anxiously wait a report on..."
Prabhupada: No, what is the trustees?
Tamala Krsna: The BBT trustees means of the different publishing arms of the BBT. French trustee is Bhagavan...
Prabhupada: Oh, BBT.
Tamala Krsna: BBT, yes. They had a meeting in Mayapura discussing some common points of interest and concerns. It says, "We will anxiously be awaiting a report on Srila Prabhupada's reaction to the various points, and it would be good if you sent copies to all the trustees directly if there are any urgent points. I am going to L.A. in a few weeks, at which time I will make it my business, as one of the US trustees, to look into the Press matter. I will send a report after doing so. I also share your concern in this matter. I am going to France in a few days and will send a report on my findings. I am especially concerned to see that BBT be set up along standard lines. I have heard that Srila Prabhupada's health has improved somewhat. Please be so kind as to send reports on this from time to time, as all the devotees are very much concerned. We are all praying to Lord Nrsimhadeva that His Divine Grace's health will be completely restored. I remain your servant, Jayatirtha dasa. P.S. I will be visiting Africa in May." This letter is dated 25th March.
Prabhupada: March?
Tamala Krsna: Yes. It is quite a... It's about two weeks old. Somehow or other, Srila Prabhupada, the mail is... This was sent to Hyderabad, this letter. So that accounts for it. "BBT Trustees' Meeting. 1) Yogesvara dasa was appointed the Los Angeles production manager for all international publications and will also act as assistant to the English production manager, Radha-vallabha." Yogesvara dasa was already in Los Angeles, and the various different foreign BBT's were com-plaining that they weren't getting the proper help from L.A. BBT.
Prabhupada: He?
Tamala Krsna: They were complaining that they weren't getting things timely. So Yogesvara will handle all the international business of the L.A. BBT.
Prabhupada: That's nice. He's very good.
Tamala Krsna: "2) Radha-vallabha will train up Vipra dasa in New York to oversee the color printing done at Tandem Press." The reason for this is that every month, at least once a month if not more, Radha-vallabha has to fly to New York.
Prabhupada: No, this should be stopped. Extravagance.
Tamala Krsna: Up until now, Radha-vallabha has claimed that no one else is qualified to do this, but...
Prabhupada: No, no.
Tamala Krsna: ...the BBT felt that he could be trained. Vipra dasa is about forty years old, and he's a trained photographer for many years.
Prabhupada: And every time Radha-vallabha changes something, that should be stopped. He is very much inclined to change something. This practice should be stopped.
Tamala Krsna: "3) There will be a BBT budget meeting every week in L.A. at which all Press expenditures will be discussed and approved by Ramesvara Maharaja, and a monthly financial statement detailing the Press expenditures will be sent to all the trustees."
Prabhupada: This unnecessary expenditures like Sanskrit department and art department, this should be curtailed. We require money for Bhaktivedanta Institute.
Tamala Krsna: "4) Every BBT division must make a monthly BBT report showing the income and expenditure and reviewing Press activity. All forms must be stated in US dollars except the Indian statement, which should also be stated in rupees." One of the reasons for this, Srila Prabhupada, is that the only two, or I should say, the only three BBT divisions, or four, that gave regular reports was English, that was Ramesvara; Spanish, Hrdayananda Maharaja; German was Jayatirtha; and then Harikesa. But the French were not giving any kind of regular statement. They have never given any statement.
Prabhupada: Why?
Tamala Krsna: Well, Bhagavan said he didn't have the necessary accountants. He gave a number of reasons. But the BBT Trustees rejected all the reasons and said that now there has to be a regular statement monthly. Similarly from India, there was no regular monthly statement given out to the other trustees. So now every month all the trustees must send a regular statement." 5) The Deity worship book will be printed by Jayatirtha dasa without BBT funds." This is that book. I forget the Sanskrit name, Srila Prabhupada.
Devotee: Hari-bhakti-vilasa.
Tamala Krsna: Hari-bhakti-vilasa. So Jayatirtha wants to print it on his own. Means he doesn't want to take BBT funds. So the trustees felt that that was very good, since funds were scarce; he does a nice printing. He said that he would take responsibility for printing and distributing it. Because it is a very limited edition, it's not going to be sold to the common people, just to devotees.
Prabhupada: No. Few copies.
Tamala Krsna: Yes. "6) Hrdayananda Maharaja will settle the Portuguese money through Satsvarupa Gosvami." I don't exactly know the meaning of that. "7) Sa-vijnanam Journal"that's the Bhaktivedanta Institute Journal, Srila Prabhupada, the scientist journal"will be printed and paid for by BBT India and exported to the Bhaktivedanta Institute." So that monthly journal or quarter, you know four times a year journal, will be printed here in India, because we felt the printing could be done much less expensively. And it will be sent from here.
Prabhupada: But he was going to print it at Los Angeles.
Tamala Krsna: I'm not sure if he's printing these... I think he is not printing a Sa-vijnanam Journal. He's printing some other booklets. But this regular journal, which comes out regularly, will be printed in India. "8) The scientists' book, Life Comes from Life, will be printed by BBT India, 5000 copies and paid for by BBT US. 9) No brochure will be printed for individual standing orders at this time. Rather, a selective market should be concentrated upon." This is in regard to Tripurari Maharaja's trying out some standing orders door to door in homes. So we decided that the BBT will not print any kind of special brochures at this time, but that he should first of all see what the market is like and make some experiment before we spend money.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes.
Tamala Krsna: "10) The property committee should also be consulted on leases." Up until now, Srila Prabhupada, we have a property committee, consisting of Ramesvara Maharaja, Jayatirtha Prabhu, Atreya Rsi and myself. And we have always been consulted on all property purchases. But we now decided that we should also be consulted on property leases. Because leases are also very... They can be very disastrous also if they are improperly entered into. Especially any long-term leases. Of course, they also have to deal through their local GBC, but then they also deal with it practically. "11) It was noted that a total of $630,000 would be available for construction purposes between now and the end of 1977. $300,000 dollars is the minimum required for emergency US loans. This leaves $330,000 dollars for India. Of the $330,000 dollars, $240,000 is required to complete the pledge of one crore to Bombay. The balance should be available for the other projects in India, contingent on the Bombay project staying within its budget. That is $90,000." So this poses a problem which you partly solved already, Srila Prabhupada. Surabhi Swami informed us that the original budget of a million dollars would be not sufficient, but it would reach more like one and a half million dollars. So this means that half a million dollars has to come from somewhere. So Gurukrpa Maharaja agreed to send 200,000 dollars. But still there will be a balance of about... Ramesvara said there is 100,000 left to send. So still there is going to be a balance of about 200 to 300,000 dollars needed. So we will have to find out where that can come from for finishing this Bombay project. "12) Tamala Krsna Maharaja was appointed to oversee the BBT monies sent to India. He will work in collaboration with the Indian GBC." That means when they send money from overseas to be spent here, they wanted me to see that it was properly spent, along with the GBC man of the local temple. "13) It is not the BBT's business to pay for publishing children's books."
Prabhupada: No, not...
Tamala Krsna: "14) All foreign language editions of BTG will include a section of the Srimad-Bhagavatam."
Prabhupada: Hm, that's nice.
Tamala Krsna: "15) Foreign temples will receive records for approximately 75 cents, while North American temples will pay one dollars. All profits made by the BBT for records will go to ISKCON Food Relief. Prices may increase if the costs rise. 16) Harikesa Maharaja will take responsibility to prepare the Mayapura brochure. 17) The BBT Trustees for each division are responsible for setting priorities in each division." That means printing priorities. "18) The US BBT will experiment with importation of books from India as soon as..."
Prabhupada: What happened to that book, Dialectic Spiritualism?
Tamala Krsna: Spiritual Dialectics?
Prabhupada: Yes, Dialectic Spiritualism.
Tamala Krsna: Dialectical Spiritualism. I think Harikesa was working on that, wasn't he, when he was here...
Prabhupada: No, no, it is finished. It was being edited by...
Tamala Krsna: Oh, okay, well, I'll write and ask.
Prabhupada: ...Hayagriva. But he is doing nothing and taking money.
Tamala Krsna: Yeah, they stopped his salary now. "18) The US BBT will experiment with importation of books from India as soon as practical. Gopala Krsna will make further efforts to increase the quality."
Prabhupada: Yes, quality must be there. It is not yet standard. Unless quality is improved, it cannot be exported and spoil the market.
Tamala Krsna: Hm. So those were the resolutions we passed, Srila Prabhupada. (end)

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/apr/morning_conversation/bombay/april/11/1977

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