TEXT 161
paramrstangustha-trayam asita-ratnair ubhayato
vahanti sankirnau manibhir arunais tat-parisarau
tayor madhye hirojjvala-vimala-jambunada-mayi
kare kalyaniyam viharati hareh keli-murali
paramrstameasured; angustha-trayama length of three fingers; asita-ratnaihwith valuable indra-nila jewels; ubhayatahfrom both ends; vahantihaving; sankirnaubedecked; manibhihby gems; arunaih rubies; tat-parisarauthe two ends of the flute; tayoh madhyebetween them; hirawith diamonds; ujjvalablazing; vimalapure; jambunada-mayicovered with gold plate; karein the hand; kalyanivery auspicious; iyamthis; viharatiglitters; harehof Krsna; keli-muralithe pastime flute.
The flute of Krsna's pastimes measures three fingers in length, and it is bedecked with indra-nila gems. At the ends of the flute are aruna gems [rubies], glittering beautifully, and in between the flute is plated with gold, set ablaze by diamonds. This auspicious flute, pleasing to Krsna, is glittering in His hand with transcendental brilliance.'
This verse from Vidagdha-madhava (3.1) is spoken to Lalitadevi by Paurnamasi, the grandmother of Radharani.
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