kha apatat tad vicalad graholkavan
niriksya duspreksyam ajata-viklavah
vajrena vajri sata-parvanacchinad
bhujam ca tasyoraga-raja-bhogam
khein the sky; apatatflying toward him; tatthat trident; vicalatrotating; graha-ulka-vatlike a falling star; niriksyaobserving; duspreksyamunbearable to see; ajata-viklavahnot afraid; vajrenawith the thunderbolt; vajriIndra, the holder of the thunderbolt; sata-parvanapossessing one hundred joints; acchinatcut; bhujamthe arm; caand; tasyaof him (Vrtrasura); uraga-rajaof the great serpent Vasuki; bhogamlike the body.
Flying in the sky, Vrtrasuras trident resembled a brilliant meteor. Although the blazing weapon was difficult to look upon, King Indra, unafraid, cut it to pieces with his thunderbolt. Simultaneously, he cut off one of Vrtrasuras arms, which was as thick as the body of Vasuki, the King of the serpents.
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