chinnaika-bahuh parighena vrtrah
samrabdha asadya grhita-vajram
hanau tatadendram athamarebham
vajram ca hastan nyapatan maghonah
chinnacut off; ekaone; bahuhwhose arm; parighenawith a mace of iron; vrtrahVrtrasura; samrabdhahbeing very angry; asadyareaching; grhitataking up; vajramthe thunderbolt; hanauon the jaw; tatadastruck; indramLord Indra; athaalso; amara-ibhamhis elephant; vajramthe thunderbolt; caand; hastatfrom the hand; nyapatatfell; maghonahof King Indra.
Although one of his arms was severed from his body, Vrtrasura angrily approached King Indra and struck him on the jaw with an iron mace. He also struck the elephant that carried Indra. Thus Indra dropped the thunderbolt from his hand.

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