TEXTS 1516
asamanjasa atmanam
darsayann asamanjasam
jati-smarah pura sangad
yogi yogad vicalitah
acaran garhitam loke
jnatinam karma vipriyam
sarayvam kridato balan
prasyad udvejayan janam
asamanjasahthe son of Sagara Maharaja; atmanampersonally; darsayanexhibiting; asamanjasamvery disturbing; jati-smarahable to remember his past life; puraformerly; sangatfrom bad association; yogialthough he was a great mystic yogi; yogatfrom the path of executing mystic yoga; vicalitahfell down; acaranbehaving; garhitamvery badly; lokein the society; jnatinamof his relatives; karmaactivities; vipriyamnot very favorable; sarayvamin the River Sarayu; kridatahwhile engaged in sports; balanall the boys; prasyatwould throw; udvejayangiving trouble; janamto people in general.
Formerly, in his previous birth, Asamanjasa had been a great mystic yogi, but by bad association he had fallen from his exalted position. Now, in this life, he was born in a royal family and was a jati-smara; that is, he had the special advantage of being able to remember his past birth. Nonetheless, he wanted to display himself as a miscreant, and therefore he would do things that were abominable in the eyes of the public and unfavorable to his relatives. He would disturb the boys sporting in the River Sarayu by throwing them into the depths of the water.
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