sutam dattvanavadyangim
balaya bala-saline
badary-akhyam gato raja
taptum narayanasramam
sutamhis daughter; dattvaafter delivering; anavadya-angimhaving a perfect body; balayaunto Lord Baladeva; bala-salineunto the most powerful, the supreme powerful; badari-akhyamnamed Badarikasrama; gatahhe went; rajathe King; taptumto perform austerities; narayana-asramamto the place of Nara-Narayana.
Thereafter, the King gave his most beautiful daughter in charity to the supremely powerful Baladeva and then retired from worldly life and went to Badarikasrama to please Nara-Narayana.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Ninth Canto, Third Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled The Marriage of Sukanya and Cyavana Muni.
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