kirata-hunan yavanan
paundran kankan khasan chakan
abrahmanya-nrpams cahan
mlecchan dig-vijaye khilan
kiratathe black people called Kiratas (mostly the Africans); hunanthe Huns, the tribes from the far north; yavananthe meat-eaters; paundranthe Paundras; kankanthe Kankas; khasanthe Mongolians; sakanthe Sakas; abrahmanyaagainst the brahminical culture; nrpankings; caand; ahanhe killed; mlecchansuch atheists, who had no respect for Vedic civilization; dik-vijayewhile conquering all directions; akhilanall of them.
When Maharaja Bharata was on tour, he defeated or killed all the Kiratas, Hunas, Yavanas, Paundras, Kankas, Khasas, Sakas and the kings who were opposed to the Vedic principles of brahminical culture.
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