ghrtam me vira bhaksyam syan
nekse tvanyatra maithunat
vivasasam tat tatheti
pratipede mahamanah
ghrtamclarified butter or nectar; memy; viraO hero; bhaksyameatable; syatshall be; nanot; ikseI shall see; tvayou; anyatraany other time; maithunatexcept at the time of sexual intercourse; vivasasamwithout any dress (naked); tatthat; tatha itishall be like that; pratipedepromised; mahamanahKing Pururava.
Urvasi said: My dear hero, only preparations made in ghee [clarified butter] will be my eatables, and I shall not want to see you naked at any time, except at the time of sexual intercourse. The great-minded King Pururava accepted these proposals.

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