vayam kasyapa-dayada
bhratarah krta-paurusah
vibhajasva yatha-nyayam
naiva bhedo yatha bhavet
vayamall of us; kasyapa-dayadahdescendants of Kasyapa Muni; bhratarahwe are all brothers; krta-paurusahwho are all able and competent; vibhajasvajust divide; yatha-nyayamaccording to law; nanot; evacertainly; bhedahpartiality; yathaas; bhavetshould so become.
All of us, both demons and demigods, have been born of the same father, Kasyapa, and thus we are related as brothers. But now we are exhibiting our personal prowess in dissension. Therefore we request You to settle our dispute and divide the nectar equally among us.

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