pita-praye mrte devair
bhagavan loka-bhavanah
pasyatam asurendranam
svam rupam jagrhe harih
pita-prayewhen almost finished being drunk; amrtethe nectar; devaihby the demigods; bhagavanthe Supreme Personality of Godhead as Mohini-murti; loka-bhavanahthe maintainer and well-wisher of the three worlds; pasyatamin the presence of; asura-indranamall the demons, with their chiefs; svamown; rupamform; jagrhemanifested; harihthe Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the best friend and well-wisher of the three worlds. Thus when the demigods had almost finished drinking the nectar, the Lord, in the presence of all the demons, disclosed His original form.
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