sa tan-niketam parimrsya sunyam
apasyamanah kupito nanada
ksmam dyam disah kham vivaran samudran
visnum vicinvan na dadarsa virah
sahthat Hiranyakasipu; tat-niketamthe residence of Lord Visnu; parimrsyasearching; sunyamvacant; apasyamanahnot seeing Lord Visnu; kupitahbeing very angry; nanadacried very loudly; ksmamon the surface of the earth; dyamin outer space; disahin all directions; khamin the sky; vivaranin all the caves; samudranall the oceans; visnumLord Visnu; vicinvansearching for; nanot; dadarsadid see; virahalthough he was very powerful.
Upon seeing that the residence of Lord Visnu was vacant, Hiranyakasipu began searching for Lord Visnu everywhere. Angry at not seeing Him, Hiranyakasipu screamed loudly and searched the entire universe, including the surface of the earth, the higher planetary systems, all directions and all the caves and oceans. But Hiranyakasipu, the greatest hero, did not see Visnu anywhere.

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